It's that time of year again! Families are filling up their carts with markers, lunchboxes, and new clothes for the coming school year. But all those new school supplies can cost a pretty penny. Luckily, we've found plenty of brilliant ways to save big bucks on your back-to-school shopping trip.
6 Genius Ways to Stock Up on School Supplies — Aside from clothing and textbooks, kids mostly need the same items each year. And if you buy these items in bulk and split the cost with another family, for instance, you won't need to pay a premium for the small packs. Also? Never forget that dollar stores are your friend.
The Best Credit Cards for Back to School Shopping — Who doesn't like getting paid to shop? Use any of these credit cards for back-to-school shopping and you'll reap all kinds of rewards, including cash.
12 Back-to-School Shopping Tips for the Busy Parent — Whether you're a working parent or a stay-at-home parent, your life is chaotic. And because you absolutely do not need more stress on your plate, here are some tips to save on back-to-school shopping during your hectic days.
8 Ways Everybody Saves During Back-to-School — Kids and parents aren't the only ones who save money during this wonderful time of year. Everyone needs new pens, clothes, and laptops every once in awhile. And this is the time to buy.
4 Effortless Ways to Save on Back-to-School Shopping — The most satisfying way to save money is when you don't even have to try, right? Using the right browser plugins while you online shop, cashing in credit card rewards for gift cards, and planning ahead can make back-to-school shopping a budget-friendly breeze.
The 8 Best Ways to Save on Back-to-School Supplies Right NOW — The longer you wait to get this shopping done, the more items will be sold out. And there's a chance that you could miss out on early bird sales. Scour the web and your favorite stores for the supplies you need, so you can it all before other shoppers do.
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