Flashback Friday: 59 Tips to Help You Nail That Job Interview


There are few things quite as stress-inducing as an upcoming job interview. You want to make a good impression, you want to appear confident, and you want to seal the deal in the short amount of time you have. It's not easy, but it is possible. Here are 59 ways you can nail that big job interview.

How to Ace Your Next Coffee Interview — Many companies are using more informal settings for their interviews. It tends to put both parties more at ease, but it's a job interview, so common etiquette rules still apply. Here's how to walk that fine line.

How to Answer 23 of the Most Common Interview Questions — The best way to nail a job interview is to go in prepared. Learn as much as you can about the company. Also practice answering these common interview questions before you go in.

6 Ways to Calm Your Nerves and Ace Your Interview — Nerves and anxiety can really mess with your mind. While it's nearly impossible to get rid of them completely, there are ways ease that stress before you walk into the interview.

How to Get the Job Without Saying a Word — No, it's not handing the interviewer a wad of cash and a tray of cupcakes. It's all about posture, eye contact, and body language. These tend to be more noteworthy than just saying the right things. You gotta walk the walk.

6 Extreme Job Interview Tactics That Worked — These wacky tactics aren't always the best way to go, but they will make you a memorable candidate. And that's the goal, really. You need to stand out from the rest of the pack, while also being qualified and confident.

10 Things You Should Never Do During a Job Interview — Almost as important as knowing what to do, is knowing what not to do in a job interview. Some of these might seem obvious (don't be late, don't mumble), but they are all crucial missteps that can totally ruin an otherwise great interview. Avoid them at all costs.

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