Flashback Friday: 63 Best Cooking Hacks for Busy People


Your to-do lists are never-ending. Your schedule is constantly a hectic mess. You rarely get a moment to just relax, and you're also expected to prepare healthy, balanced meals each night? Who has the time? Luckily, time is not a requirement to preparing a delicious meal. With these brilliant, timesaving cooking hacks, you can live your busy life, and eat well, too!

8 Money-Saving Hacks for Those Who Hate Cooking — The main reason you hate cooking is because it takes so much time and energy each night. But you can eat fresh and save money by preparing simple meals, cooking ahead of time, embracing convenient groceries, and more.

7 Surprising Cooking Hacks That Save Time — Your workday has ended and you have less than an hour to make dinner before your favorite TV show comes on. And with the right cooking tricks, in less than an hour you can make yourself a delicious meal, and eat it, with time to spare before the show comes on.

8 Quick Dinners for Lazy Cooks — Lazy or busy, elaborate meals are hard to justify every single day. But these quick and easy dinners are delicious, make great leftovers, and their ingredients are extremely budget-friendly. It's a win-win!

10 Tricks to Keeping Your Kitchen Clean While You Cook — One of the worst parts about cooking is the messy kitchen that follows. But if you use these cleaning tricks while you cook, the mess will be nonexistent by the time dinner is ready.

10 Cheap and Easy Meals That Make Even Better Leftovers — The meal that makes great leftovers is the gift that keeps on giving. You only need to cook a few of these meals per week since you can finish them the following day.

20 Tasty 5-Ingredient Recipes — If I see a recipe with several ingredients, I get intimidated and lose all my motivation to cook. But taste doesn't rely on the number of ingredients in a meal. You can easily create wonderful meals with only five ingredients. Give these a try!

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