FREE copy of "What To Expect The First Year" book.


A quick 'deal of the day' for you, and it's a great one. When my wife and I were expecting out first child we read "What To Expect When You're Expecting" from cover to cover. When the baby arrived, we quickly turned to this book. It's wonderful, it's well written and you can get it absolutely FREE.

The book is being given away in a promotion by WHATTOEXPECT.COM and Balmex. The book has an R.R.P. of $15.95 (although you'll find it in most book stores for around $10). But this is a deal you just can't beat. Click here to get yours, or get it for a friend with a new baby. 

A quick 'deal of the day' for you, and it's a great one. When my wife and I were expecting out first child we read "What To Expect When You're Expecting" from cover to cover. When the baby arrived, we quickly turned to this book. It's wonderful, it's well written and you can get it absolutely FREE.

The book is being given away in a promotion by WHATTOEXPECT.COM and Balmex. The book has an R.R.P. of $15.95 (although you'll find it in most book stores for around $10). But this is a deal you just can't beat. Click here to get yours, or get it for a friend with a new baby. 

Disclaimer: The links and mentions on this site may be affiliate links. But they do not affect the actual opinions and recommendations of the authors.

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Linsey Knerl's picture

I had taken advantage of this awhile back for a friend.  Is is THE best book you can get for your new baby!  I have four kids and still refer to it regularly!!

Guest's picture

you know if they gave copies of this and what to expect when your expecting to all teenagers everywhere, we would end teenage parenting.

Guest's picture

Great, my wife and I use this book ALL the time as well. I will forward this to some friends. Thanks for the link.

Guest's picture

this book was helpful to me when I was preg with my son, sweet deal.

Guest's picture

I signed up for this offer a month ago and the website said I should be getting my copy in a few weeks. I haven't received anything yet - has anyone gotten theirs? Does anyone know of a way to contact somebody from that website regarding this? Any help is appreciated!

Linsey Knerl's picture

Mine was just delivered via UPS yesterday.  (It has been a couple of months..) so I expect that you all should be getting yours soon!

Guest's picture

I signed up to this offer over 6 months ago and have still not received my free book............

Guest's picture

I signed up to this offer over 6 months ago and have still not received my free book............

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