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Editor's note: This offer is currently unavailable.
If you are a fan or frequent shopper of Sony’s vast array of merchandise, the Sony® Card from Capital One® can help you reap even more value out of your Sony purchases. (See also: Store Credit Cards That Don’t Suck)
This card awards 5 Sony Rewards points per $1 spent on select entertainment purchases including digital streaming and subscription services, concert and sporting events, music and video downloads and movie and theater tickets, 5 points per $1 spent on Sony® products at authorized retailers with purchase confirmation, and 1 point on other purchaes. However, in order to receive the full five points for Sony purchases, you must submit an additional Bonus Points Form. There is no annual fee.
Bonus offer: Earn a $50 Statement Credit after your first card purchase within 90 days from account opening.
You can redeem your points online through the Sony Rewards Catalog for Sony merchandise such as electronics, games, movies, music, or gift cards.
Bonus offer. Earn a $50 Statement Credit after your first card purchase within 90 days from account opening. Although this isn’t the most valuable sign-up bonus offered with a credit card, it is fairly simple to earn and only requires making a purchase rather than meeting a specific spending requirement. (See also: 5 Best Credit Cards That Offer Bonus Cash for Sign Up)
Introductory APR for purchases. If you plan on making a large purchase, especially with Sony, you can save money paying down your balance without paying extra in finance charges during the intro period. It is important, however, that you pay down the balance completely during the introductory period in order to maximize your savings and avoid interest charges. (See also: 5 Best Low Interest Rate Credit Cards)
No fees. This card has no annual fee, no balance transfer fee, and no foreign transaction fee, which is rare among rewards credit cards. The absence of these common credit card fees makes this card ideal if you need to transfer a balance and if you frequently travel abroad or make foreign transactions with the card, as you’ll be saving yourself quite a bit of money.
Bonus points potential. You can earn the most points for your Sony purchases with this card than with any rewards credit card. Even if you don’t spend exclusively on Sony purchases, there are valuable opportunities to earn on other purchases such as digital streaming and subscription services, and at movie theaters that other rewards cards don’t offer.
No introductory APR on balance transfers. Although you can transfer without paying a balance transfer fee, there isn’t a 0% introductory APR for balance transfers. In order to save the most money on a balance transfer with this card, it’s crucial that you transfer a balance from a credit card charging a higher APR than the one on this card. Otherwise, you could end up paying more in interest in the long run. (See also: Best Credit Cards for Balance Transfers)
Redemption limited to merchandise and gift cards. Beyond redeeming your points for Sony merchandise, music and movies, your redemptions options on this card are very limited. You can redeem your points for gift cards to popular retailers and restaurants that aren’t specifically related to Sony or entertainment, but that isn’t the same as redeeming for cash that you can spend however you like. (See also: 5 Best Credit Cards for Entertainment Purchases)
Bonus Points Form requirement. One of the most significant disadvantages of this card is the requirement to submit a Bonus Points Form in order to receive all of the points earned on Sony purchases. Many cardholders might view this step as a hassle and may even forget to submit the form, which will result in only earning one point per dollar spent on Sony products and services instead of the five points they could be earning on those purchases. If you find it too much of a hassle to submit the necessary forms, then you might be better off with a card that awards a flat rate cash back for all purchases.
The Capital One Sony Card is best for those who frequently make Sony purchases or other entertainment related purchases such as digital streaming and at movie theaters. Although there is an added inconvenience of submitting a form in order to get the full bonus points for Sony purchases, this card has no annual fee, no foreign transaction fee, and a simple to get bonus.