How Men and Women Use Smartphones Differently


The genders may be equal, but their smart phone usage may not be. 

While there have been no readily available studies on how men and women may use their phones differently, we suspected that there had to be trends to separate the two.

Here are some of our findings on the topic, taken from our recent article at My Life Scoop. The results may surprise you!

Casual Gaming Between the Sexes

Both men and women agreed that playing games on their phones was taking up more and more of their time. Whether they were playing stand-alone games housed completely in their phones, or chose to use a mobile application that connected them to online team ventures when on the go, each gender admitted to finding gaming “addictive” when they were able to access it anytime and anywhere via the smart phone.

Silly games, like Fling! for the iphone, are popular among both genders. Word games seemed to appeal more to women (although a fair share of the men we talked to liked them, as well), and the games and apps that bordered on nasty or juvenile (iFart, for instance) held a steady younger male user audience. Men were also notoriously more open to playing games with a long-term goal in mind: Role Playing Games (RPG) and “building” modules seem to be played by a slightly higher number of males in our interviews.

For Women, by Women

There is a growing market of smart phone tools designed to reach into the more sensitive areas of a woman's life. Things that women would speak about only to one another, or to no one at all, can be tracked, learned about, or perfected via a smart phone app. Thanks to sites like LadyAppApp, gals can get the latest news on tools designed just for them, like TouchCloset, iCoolHunt, iPeriod and, of course, all those really cool pregnancy apps. . Even sites like TechCrunch and Mashable have interrupted their regularly scheduled programming to cover apps for women, exclusively.

We explore the issue of gender and technology more in our complete My Life Scoop article.  Check it out, and let us know: 

Do you fall into a gender stereotype with your smart phone habits?

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