How to Save Big on Big Family Vacations


They eat more. They laugh more. Big families are a blessing to those parents who are fortunate enough to have them, but the bill associated with taking them anywhere (especially on vacation) can be shocking. Before you resign yourself to a life of ho-hum campouts in the backyard, check out just a few of our tips from my recent My Life Scoop article that will help you save on big family travel.

Buy One, Get More

Vacationing can be an eclectic mix of restaurant visits, museum tours, and live events for many families, and with a per person admission (or meal) price to be reckoned with, it may be tempting to stay in the hotel and watch HBO instead of getting out there and seeing the world. While not offered to just those with large families, “buy one, get one” discounts are popular among those whose children are old enough to pay close to the adult price on anything from food to thrill rides. (My daughter, for example, pays just a few cents less than an adult price for everything, when establishments employ their $X times their age policy.)

Kids Meal Deals gives parents lots of listing for places that let you feed your brood for less – they even have a smartphone app! Sites like are just starting out in areas like Orlando, but parents can purchase a card that lets the kids eat free at any time when in select establishments. For promotions on tourist’s spots outside of the dining genre, Google the visitor’s convention site for the area you will be staying. They usually have coupon books or email codes to help get the kids in for free.

Bonus tip: When getting a “free” anything, make sure you use it up on the kid that would cost the most at regular price. Many restaurants, for example, will just randomly pick a kid to comp, but smart parents know to ask for the kid that will get the biggest discount.

Read all of our tips at the My Life Scoop guide, and share your thoughts in the comments!

Tagged: Travel

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Guest's picture

Great article, I love it. Also a lovely beach in the back ground.