Identity Theft Prevention


Identity fraud is growing at an alarming rate. It's the way scammers rip us off in the 21st century. Here is our guide on how to protect your identity and deal with the aftermath if you're victimized.

How to Prevent Identity Theft
It's important to be vigilant about your financial privacy; taking steps to protect your information now can save you hours of repairing damage down the road.

Get Your Own Identity! What to Do When Yours Is Stolen
Here's what to do in order to save your identity from further abuse if you discover it is stolen.

7 Free and Low Cost Ways to Protect Your Credit
You can track your credit information in a variety of ways, through free and low cost options as well as through paid services.

How to Shop Online Safely
With the uptake in online shopping, so does online crime. Thankfully, there are a few easy things we can do to avoid becoming a victim of it.

What Is Your Auto-Reply Email Telling People About You?
Could your auto-reply message be risking your personal information and possibly even your safety?

Once Bitten Twice Shy: What Is Credit Security Worth to You?
Should you use credit monitoring services to ensure your credit safety?

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