Join America Saves Week February 24 to March 2nd


This week is officially America Saves Week 2008. This is a campaign started in 2007 by many government agencies and private entities to encourage Americans to save because the personal savings rate of Americans is nearly zero. This year the focus is on automatic savings. I took a tour of their site and found it to be quite useful and inspiring.

My favorite part of their announcement site are the real life saver stories of people who became "addicted to saving". All of the stories are quite inspirational and show how everyday people like you and I can do amazing things by committing to saving money. I think the best story is one of a preacher who teaches that any small amount of savings is a good thing.

In conjuntion with America Saves, there is a site called Military Saves for military personnel. I really like that site because they have a section called "Savings Arsenal" that has simple but very useful tips on how to save money. On the site there is a Saver Pledge that states, "I will help myself by saving money, reducing debt, and building wealth over time. I will help my family and my country by encouraging other Americans to Build Wealth, Not Debt."

This campaign warms the cockles of my heart because I am a huge saver, and I am glad that so many Americans want to join me in the mission to "build wealth not debt". I think many people want to save money, but just need a little bit of guidance and inspiration. Hopefully outreach programs like America Saves can get the message of saving out to as many people as possible. Check out the resources available on America Saves and see how you can get involved in your community and help spread the message of saving and freedom from debt. Of course, send those you convert to savers to Wise Bread often for more tips for living large on a small budget!

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Minimum Wage

Sorry, but my addiction to subsistence overrides my addiction to saving.

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