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Consumerism Commentary Profile
Flexo created Consumerism Commentary in 2003 to hold himself accountable for his finances: “My plan was to regularly publish my account balances and spending information so I could publicly track them over time and perhaps gain support from readers.”
Written by: Flexo
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Press Mentions
Consumerism Commentary has been mentioned in the “mainstream media” as well as other popular online publications. We have been mentioned in the Wall Street Journal twice, as well as named as Yahoo’s "Ten Money Blogs Everyone Should Read".
Consumerism Commentary was featured in BusinessWeek Online. Most recently, Consumerism Commentary was named in Kilpinger’s Personal Finance Magazine (print edition) as a Must-Read Blog.
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By advertising on Consumerism Commentary, you will reach over 150,000 unique visitors each month. Visitors are actively interested in financial products and services. Consumerism Commentary has been mentioned in and linked by the media including The Wall Street Journal and Yahoo Finance.
Consumerism Commentary offers the most popular graphical advertising formats including 125×125 buttons, 160×600 skyscrapers, 468×60 leaderboards, and 300×250 rectangles. Typical prices range from $500 to $4,500 per month, with discounts given for reservations of 3 months or more.
Please view the full rate card for a description of the most popular options. We can create custom placements and campaigns as well. For a customized price quote or to order standard advertising, contact Flexo.
Consumerism Commentary Advertising Rate Card (pdf, May 2009)
How to Contact Consumerism Commentary
The authors of Consumerism Commentary (Flexo and Sasha) can be contacted directly through e-mail to
If you have a tip on a great story that you’d like Consumerism Commentary to cover, email “tips” at this domain name. All messages will be read quickly but due to the volume of e-mail, not all messages will be answered.
For advertising inquiries, contact Flexo. Media inquiries should be e-mailed to “media” at this domain.
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Consumerism Commentary
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