Money Tips Network News
Mighty Bargain Hunter
I enjoy talking about saving money, finding deals, living frugally, making money, and investing, in addition to talking about current events in the financial world, online and offline. I’ve published articles at this domain name since 2004 and have been blogging since May, 2005.
I also started and manage the Carnival of Debt Reduction, a weekly blog carnival that highlights posts on getting out of debt. Personal debt reduction progress reports and posts about reducing debt are what this carnival is all about!
Latest Posts from Mighty Bargain Hunter
Money Tips Network Blogs
Consumerism Commentary
Created in 2003 by Flexo, this informative group blog has been honored by Kiplinger as a “must-read” blog and named as one of Yahoo!’s “Ten Money Blogs Everyone Should Read.”
Stop Buying Crap
Generation X Finance
Money Talks News
Mighty Bargain Hunter
The Frugal Duchess
Five Cent Nickel
By Kerry K. Taylor, author of 397 Ways to Save Money - Spend Smarter & Live Well on Less, Squawkfox makes frugal living sexy, delicious, and fun.