The Simple Dollar

Simple, applicable personal finance advice for the modern world.

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Latest Posts from The Simple Dollar (page 54)

Questions About IRAs, Scams, 529s, Bitcoin, and More!

What’s inside? Here are the questions answered in today’s reader mailbag, boiled down to summaries of five or fewer words. Click on the number to jump straight down to the question. 1. 529 for nieces and nephews 2. Confusion about SIMPLE IRA 3. Combating car rust 4. Hotel rewards program advice 5. Upset with work/life balance 6. Explain this scam 7. How much to stop working? 8. […]

Key Conversations You Need to Have Before Retirement

Being adequately prepared for retirement involves far more than simply squirreling away money in a 401(k), annuity, or some other savings vehicle and sailing off into the sunset. When laying the foundation for one’s golden years, it’s also a good idea to have conversations with a handful of key people in your life – such as your spouse or domestic partner, children, employer, and maybe even employ […]

Stop Wasting Food: Creative Ways to Use Every Last Bit You Buy

Almost 40 percent of the food supply in this country never gets eaten, due to loss and waste, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. (“Loss” refers to things like mold and shrinkage due to desiccation.) More than half of that loss and waste is due to the way we use – or don’t use – the food we buy. Stop throwing money away! […]

The Seven Things I Need to Work on Most to Improve My Financial and Personal Life

As I’ve mentioned a few times on The Simple Dollar recently, I’ve been using Julia Cameron’s “three morning pages” journaling technique most mornings and it has genuinely been a life changer. It’s helped me reflect on lots of different ideas and viewpoints that I have. It’s helped me to reflect on choices I’ve made and relationships I have. […]

Lessons from the Average American’s Food Expenses

Let’s start off with a fact that’s “mildly interesting” on the surface, but takes on a whole different set of meanings when you dig in a little bit. The average American household spends $7,203 a year on food, of which $4,049 is spent on food at home and $3,154 is spent on food away from home. Let’s break that down a little bit into numbers that are more practical for how you and I live our lives. […]

12 Enjoyable Hobbies That Can Actually Save You Money

I am a strong, strong believer that the good life involves having some time that you’ve set aside for leisure activities that you do solely for personal enjoyment and personal enrichment. […]

The Power of Inaction: How to Get Ahead by Doing Nothing

I recently learned an amazing fact: During the height of the Cold War, a Russian military officer named Stanislav Petrov got an alert on his computer that the United States had launched a nuclear weapon at Moscow. Petrov was in charge of launching a nuke back at America should Russia feel threatened — and at that moment, he had every reason to do so. […]

What’s Keeping You From Being Happy?

Somewhere between 30% and 35% of Americans identify themselves as being “happy” with their life, according to recent polling by Harris. That means that somewhere between 65% and 70% of Americans are actually unhappy with their life. Why is that? Naturally (given that this is The Simple Dollar), my eye turns to finances. […]

Should You Consolidate Your Retirement Accounts?

If you’ve been saving for retirement for a number of years, all the while advancing in your career and moving between jobs, you might have a number of different retirement accounts spread out across a number of different companies. Managing all of those accounts can get confusing. […]

Our Experience Cutting the Cord and Eliminating Cable Television

Last month, my family decided to eliminate our cable service. We had already disconnected it from our television for a trial run and learned that we could easily live without it. Given that, we just chopped that bill out of our life. Let’s get caught up on the full story of our use of cable television over the last several years. […]