Financial advice, you may have noticed, is everywhere (even here at from the bank teller who makes a referral to an in-house investment advisorâ¦to a wealth manager who wants to dispense planning advice, manage your investment portfolio, and handle your familyâs checkbook. You may not need to talk to someone who will set you up with the bank's proprietary mutual fund or can change your life but youâd like some personalized financial guidance. Where should you go and who should you ask for advice?
Over the years, Iâve spoken with sundry persons who have been or claimed to have been worthy to give me financial advice or some guidance relating to the financial realm. Here are some of the names Iâve heard:
with credentials that may include:
with designations and licenses such as:
who receive compensation in many ways including:
More on my experiences with financial pros later but I wanted to let you know about a chance to pose questions to a financial advisor free of charge. The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (a group of fee-only financial pros known as Registered Financial Advisors) is partnering with Kiplinger (which provides personal financial advice and economic forecasting to individuals and businesses). Together, they are presenting Kiplinger's Jump-Start Your Retirement Plan Days, dispensing custom advice for free rather than the usual $100-$250 per hour charge.
Hereâs how it works: starting now, you can email questions to for a response on the selected days. Or, you can save them until Friday, August 17 and Thursday, August 30, 2007, when you can call 888-919-2345 to speak with an advisor (9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern Time USA). Before then, compile some basic information about your investments (e.g., mutual fund statements and 401(k) plan choices) and get your questions ready.
If you need help wording your question, comment here and for more info, check out Kiplinger.
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That's neat, Julie. Thanks.
I missed my free consultation!
You have another chance on Thursday, August 30 or you can go ahead and email now for a response on that day.
This post reminds me. Google Answers had an interesting research project on the numbers of Series 6 and Series 7 professional stock brokers registered around the country, and their qualifications and licenses.
You can see the research results here:
Stock Broker Licenses
Worth a look!