Philip Brewer's fiction


This post won't go up on the front page at Wise Bread; only people who subscribe to my posts via the RSS feed or email should see it.  Even for you guys, I'll keep it short, because this isn't about personal finance or frugality.  It's about my fiction:  I sold a story!

My short story "An Education of Scars" is up at the website Futurismic.  If you like my writing here, you might be interested in my fiction as well.  This particular story is about money and investing in a way, but also about possible near-future technologies and what they might mean for ordinary foks.

Her gown left her shoulders bare. Her skin was pale, translucent. She had no freckles, as if she had never gone out in the sun. Her lips were colored a shade of red that seemed odd for a red-head to wear, until I noticed that it was the same angry red as her scars.

I won't post about every story I sell here.  If you're interested, though, you can keep up with the news of my fiction-writing career at my personal website.

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Guest's picture

Awesome! One of my goals this year is to write a short story I am happy with. Selling/publishing it would be icing on the cake!

Catherine Shaffer's picture

Way to go, Phil!


Catherine Shaffer

Wise Bread Contributor 

Guest's picture

I read all your posts, and love your writing style.
Thanks for sharing this success.

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