Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Boost Your Home's Value With These 5 Projects

What's a bathroom addition worth to you (besides a shorter wait for the shower)? As much as 20% of your home's value!

11 Life Skills That Are Now Completely Obsolete

Oh, how the times have changed — and not always for the better. Today's tech has all but rendered these once-crucial life skills obsolete.

Writing for Money on the Interwebs

A while back, a girlfriend of mine forced me to watch a chick flick that she felt I would find inspiring. [more]

8 Professional Ways to Make Friends at Work

We spend most of our lives at work, so many of our adult friendships are made at the office. But as adults, it can be tough to know how to take that first step.

5 Ways Your Instant Pot Can Save You Money

Your instant pot can save you a ton of time in the kitchen, but did you know it can also save you money?

6 Helpful Tools to Manage Your Small Business

If you're a small business owner or freelancer, you need the right tools and the right strategy to make it a success. These tools can help!

11 Silent Budget Killers You Don't Notice

Wondering where all your money's gone? You spent it when you weren't looking.

Here's What the New Federal Diet Rules Will Cost You

It's almost time for the latest edition of the government's dietary guidelines, and some of the recommendations may take a bite out of your wallet.

15 Surprising Insurance Policies You Might Need

For just about any life event, there's an insurance policy to cover it. Do you need one of these plans?

Live Like a Local: How to Tap Into the Local Scene While Traveling

If you want to get unique experiences, discover what a place is really like, AND save money, don't travel like a tourist — learn how to live like a local.

5-Minute Finance: Track Your Spending

Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? It's time to start tracking your spending. All it takes is five minutes.

10 Great Side Jobs for Introverts

If you're looking for extra money with almost zero interaction with other people, you don't have to look far — and you won't have to fake a smile, either.

20 Free and Fun Ways to Reward Yourself

Reaching goals is often its own reward, but when it isn't, go ahead, do something nice and frugal for yourself.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Envelope System

Whether you're intimidated by budgeting or are just looking for a new technique, the simple and effective envelope system can make budgeting oh-so-easy.

Where Are They Now? The Forgotten Dollar Bills (and Coins)

You may have money on your mind, but these notes and coins are all but forgotten. They are still legal tender, though!

When to Splurge: Resume Writer

There are times when spending is the same as investing. And when it comes to putting your best face forward in a job search, you should invest in yourself. Invest... in a resume writer. [more]

6 Ways to Avoid Scams When Selling Your Stuff Online

Selling items online is so easy to do these days. But you still have to watch out for scammers.

8 Truths From a Mystery Shopper You Must Read Before You Get Started

These eight tips are vital to making money in the somewhat misunderstood profession of mystery shopping.

Best Money Tips: How to Avoid 4 Common Forms of Accidental Death

Today we found helpful articles on the common forms of accidental death, ways to stay motivated at the gym, and kitchen skills that help you save time.

How to Protect Your Credit After the Equifax Breach

In light of the major Equifax breach, a credit freeze is not your only option. There are multiple ways to keep a close eye on your credit reports.