Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Someone Took Out a Loan in Your Name. Now What?

A fraudulent loan can have dire consequences for your personal finances. Here's how you can fix the problem, stat.

The 8 Most Eye-Opening Money Attractions in the U.S.

Make your next vacation money-themed, and check out these eight amazing attractions across the U.S.

16 Small Steps You Can Take Now to Improve Your Finances

Believe it or not, you can improve your finances in a big way by making several small money moves.

15 Frugal Ways to Battle Boredom

The next time you're listless, grumpy, or just plain bored, follow these suggestions to spend your time, rather than spending money.

22 Websites That Will Pay You to Write for Them

Do you have a way with words? Earn some money with your talent, even if you don't have experience or clips at these sites that pay.

Home Equity Loan or HELOC: Which Is Right for You?

You have equity in your home, and you need to borrow money. Should you turn to a HELOC or a home equity loan?

6 Ways Life is Wonderful When You're Debt-Free

Living life free of debt can be really awesome. And we mean really.

One Talent, Multiple Streams of Income

Wondering how to use creative talents to pay the bills now and build for retirement later? Last week, I spoke with Texas wildflower artist Linda Calvert Jacobson about what works f

Is it Safe to Re-Finance Your Home Close to Retirement?

Refinancing to a lower mortgage may sound like a no-brainer, but if you're close to retirement, consider these complications.

Make Your DVD Player Region-Free in Seconds

Region coding can, in most cases, be removed from your DVD player using a simple remote-control code that unlocks the player.

How to Make Better Financial Decisions

Focusing all your efforts into reaching one financial goal is a fairly straightforward process. But what about when you have more than one financial goal? This guide will help.

6 Things You Should Never Do When Applying for a Credit Card

Keep your credit reputation ship-shape and you'll qualify for more — and better — credit later. Here's how.

47 Cheap, Fun Things to Do This Weekend

When lazy-day boredom sets in, it's time to get creative. Here are 47 ideas to get you started on a fun and frugal weekend.

The 5 Best Lip Stains

Keeping your lips bold and smudge-free isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these lip stains and your pout will always look perfecto.

6 Confidence-Inspiring Facts About the Stock Market

Even after a tough couple of weeks, the market is still way, way up from its Great Recession lows. There, feel better?

The 7 Most Calorie-Burning Breakfasts

It's the most important meal of the day for a reason! Jump-start your day (and your weight loss) with an easy, delicious calorie-burning meal.

How to Pay Off These 4 Types of Debt

Before you start making significant payments towards your debt, make sure you're doing it the right way, and in the right order.

How to Freeze Your Credit

A credit freeze can protect you from financial scammers. Here's how they work.

Best Money Tips: Make the Most of Holiday Shopping

Today we found ways to make the most of holiday shopping, tips to build confidence as a public speaker, and common money mistakes that military members make.

Who Pays For the Bridesmaid Dresses When . . . ?

Figuring out who pays for the bridesmaids' dresses is tough, but depending on the situation, the rules are clear. Try this cheatsheet and good luck!