Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The ABC’s of DIY Moving

You can tame the high cost of relocation and still keep your sanity. Learn the eight tips for a successful low-budget move.

The 5 Best Callus Removers

Keeping your feet smooth and clean isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these callus removers and your feet will remain soft and callus-free.

Best Money Tips: How to be productive while doing other things

Today, we give you a way to be productive without seeming to, an easy template for effective complaint letters, tips to save on printing, and more!

The 11 Best and Worst Things to Buy Used

Books? Yep! Houses? Absolutely! Swimwear? Ack, no! Those and other thrift store buys sorted into best and worst.

6 Ultimate Money-Saving Tips for Travelers

Don't let the cost of travel keep you stuck at home. Save major dollars on your next trip with these tips.

Best Money Tips: How to Improve a Bad Day

Today, we share ways to get through a bad day, tips for a smooth and easy potluck, and advice to help you turn off work on the weekends.

7 Ways Investing Sucks (and Why You Should Do It Anyway)

Yes, investing is complicated and difficult. But it's not as bad as you think.

8 Problems Home Sellers Must Disclose to Buyers

Before handing over the key to an unsuspecting buyer, you need to air your home's dirty laundry — all of it.

Best Money Tips: Low-Cost Stress Relief

Today, we share budget-friendly ways to relieve stress, clean your home with vinegar, make more money, and bring a splash of color to your walls — no paint needed!

Best Money Tips: Negotiate Discounts and Freebies For Your Dream Wedding

Today we found some awesome articles on negotiating discounts and freebies for your wedding, ways to go broke, and working out without a gym membership.

Where to Take Your Batteries, CFL Bulbs, and Other Hard-to-Recycle Stuff

Have a junk drawer filled with loose batteries? We all do. Here's how to get rid of those — and a lot else — the right way.

10 Tips from a Financially-Savvy Teen

A few years ago, Tamara Johnson had no savings. Today she is a college student, funding her education with scholarships and savings. Learn how she did it.

18 Pantry Foods That Keep Longer Than You Think

How long will a jar of dried beans keep? 10 Years! Learn how long your pantry items actually keep and stop wasting food.

Best Money Tips: Savings in a Small Home

Happy Thanksgiving! Today, we give you the silver lining to living in a small home, alternative ways to spend Black Friday, tasty suggestions for leftovers, and more.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save Money at Target

Today we found some great articles on ways to save money at target, getting the most from your auto insurance claim, and crucial things to know about life.

7 Ways Students Can Travel Abroad for Less

Traveling can be incredibly enriching for students. Here are a few ways they can make their travel dreams an affordable reality.

Best Money Tips: Getting Credit for Your Work

Today, we share tips on making sure you receive credit where it's due, getting work done in holiday-filled December, choosing and using a babysitter, and more!

10 Cheap Ways to Make Your Apartment Awesome (Without Losing Your Deposit)

Upgrade a drab apartment with some clever, frugal design ideas that won't leave a mark, so you can leave with your deposit.

Maximizing Rewards Programs with

I don't fly or travel frequently enough to make the most of rewards points, but I still like earning them with the notion that someday I might be able to take advantage of them. [more]

The 6 Youngest Entrepreneurs to Make It Big

Get inspired to take your business or freelance career to the next level with six tales of plucky tweens and teens who found the big money.