Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Terrible Business Predictions (and 1 Valuable Lesson)

The only thing certain about predicting future business success is that nobody can. Especially not these eight experts.

Use a Business Budget Checklist to Capture Fleeing Cash

This year, resolve to take charge of your business spending.

Best Money Tips: Frugal Ways to Hire a Babysitter

Today we found some great articles on frugal ways to hire a babysitter, how to spend a tax refund, and ways to get money fast.

Wise Bread on Marketplace: A Frugal Valentine's Day

Celebrate Valentine's Day frugally — our Editor's segment on American Public Media's Marketplace Money tells you how (even if it's at the last minute).

Seamstress Sui Generis - Designer Amy Doan (aka Shrinkle)

Designer Amy Doan, of Shrinkle, shares on her stellar success as an eBay fashionista.

Best Money Tips: Save Up to $1,500 a Year on Laundry

Today we found some great articles on saving up to $1500 a year on laundry, steps to take after a job interview, and how to save on utility bills.

An energy bill of $0.00

I'm not sure what you pay for energy each month, but combining natural gas, gas for the car and electricity, I'm way over $250. This guy, Mr. Mike Strizki, does it all for nothing. In an interview for GREEN.MNP Mike reveals his many secrets. [more]

How to Be a More Positive Person

Life will always have frustrations and disappointments. But if you follow these suggestions, it'll be easier to approach any setback with positivity and joy.

Best Money Tips: Smart Splurges for Your Car

Today we found some fantastic articles on smart splurges for your car, keeping your pet away from the vet, and passive and extra income ideas.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/8, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $200 in Prizes!

Topic: Teaching Children to Save! Join our conversation with American Bankers Association for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #TeachChildrentoSave to participate!

Stay Off the Frugal Path to Disaster

Frugality is a great tool. But if your approach to frugality is to pare away everything non-essential, you're setting yourself up for disaster.

The Zeigarnik Effect and 7 Other Ways to Beat the Housekeeping Blahs

It's Wednesday and the novelty of keeping the place ship-shape has long since worn off. Stay motivated with a few tidy ways to fight chore fatigue.

Best Money Tips: 7 Common Cleaning Mistakes

Today we found some great articles on cleaning mistakes that almost everyone makes, tips for gym newbies, and money saving mistakes to avoid.

Best Money Tips: Vacation Without Breaking the Bank

Today we found some awesome articles on how to vacation without breaking teh bank, 50 ways to make money, and tips to help you save more.

Win a Burt's Bees Essential Body Kit

Want a chance to win a Burt's Bees Essential Body Kit, completely free, from Wise Bread? Clue us in to your favorite all-natural beauty secret! Have a family recipe for rice bran scrub that leaves your skin glowing? [more]

SECRET DISCOUNT CODES just in time for Mother's Day - let's go shopping!

I love these discounts. It makes you feel special knowing you're getting, say, 30% off when every other sucker is paying full price. But being a Wisebread blogger I have to share the wealth with my readers. [more]

Best Money Tips: Resume Red Flags to Avoid

Today we found some great articles on resume red flags to avoid, part-time jobs for retirees, and credit card 101.

Watch Out for These Hidden Costs of Free Travel

No matter how many points and miles you have, travel is never free. Don't be fooled into paying these hidden costs of "free" travel.

$6500 repair bill to remove a stone from a moon roof

How many times have you felt like someone was ripping you off? Hopefully, you can trust your gut instincts, just like the guy in this video below. You can watch the full 7 minutes for yourself, but the basic story is this. [more]