Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Nanny Sharing: Lowering the Cost of Personal Childcare

With nanny sharing, you can save money while giving your baby both the individualized attention of a nanny and the social benefits of a day care.

10 Ways to Save Cash by Purging Your Place of Plastics

If your home is like most, it is filled with plastics. Start replacing with longer lasting — and often more economical — substitutes.

The Upside of Mass Layoffs

Being a part of a huge layoff isn't fun, but it's a lot better than getting fired by yourself. Here are four positives that can come out of the experience.

Best Money Tips: 43 Ways to Save Money

Today we found some awesome articles on 43 ways to save money, foods you don't need to buy organic, and how to keep your head after losing your job.

5 Things Millennials Do Later Than Previous Generations Did

Today's twenty- and thirty-somethings are putting off a host of big life-defining moments. Find out what they're waiting for — and why.

8 Misleading Gadget Marketing Gimmicks

Before you go out and buy the latest tech gadgets, be wary of those that don't live up to the hype.

9 Signs You're Suffering From Lifestyle Inflation

Keeping up with the Joneses is not the only sign of creeping lifestyle inflation. How many of these signs of profligacy do you recognize?

6 Ways You Can Cut Costs Right Before You Retire

With retirement right around the corner, it's more important than ever to start cutting your daily living costs. You'll thank yourself later.

Four Common Mistakes to Avoid in Running Your Small Business

You are the master of your domain. And as a small business owner, your domain is nothing to sneeze at. So let’s make it a little easier by learning from other people's mistakes.

Best Money Tips: Think Like an Extreme Couponer

Today we found some awesome articles on thinking like an extreme couponer, common investor mistakes, and cost cutting strategies for newlyweds.

Frugal Uses for a Camera

A camera can preserve your important memories, but it can also help you make extra income, teach kids about money, and much more.

4 Money Resolutions You Should Skip This Year

There's nothing wrong with making New Year's money resolutions — the fresh start effect can jump start good habits. Just don't make any of these.

Scientists Say These 8 Cheap Buys Can Boost Your Mood

You don't need to dig deep into your wallet for a quick pick-me-up — you just need to know where to shop for smart and frugal mood boosts.

SBA Loans Up 90%

Thanks to American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) initiatives, the first quarter of 2010 shows weekly SBA loan volume up 90% over comparative weeks in 2009.

5 Ways that Your Small Business Site Might Be Failing

If your website doesn't appeal to online searchers, you might lose a sale. Learn how to avoid five of the most common small business website mistakes.

Cloud Funding Offers More Than Pennies From Heaven

In the age of social networking, if you need money for an art project or for a new business, friending could also mean funding.

Accountant 101: Finding the Right Match

As a small business owner, you'll eventually need to seek the services of an accountant. But how do you find one who's is a good match for your business?

Which Is Better for Your Business: Debt or Equity?

Is debt or equity better for your business?

Flashback Friday: 52 Things You Need to Know About Hosting on Airbnb

Wanna make some extra cash and host your place on Airbnb? Here's how to do it right.

Do Daily Deals Make Good Gifts?

Groupons and other daily-deal coupons are a great way for you to save on restaurants, classes, and more...but are they also a great way to save on gifts?