Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Surprises in Your Health Savings Account

Today, we share the things to watch out for in your HSA, tried-and-true tips for shaving off a chunk of Apple computer prices, an easy recipe for homemade paint, and more!

6 Kinds of Critics Every Frugal Person Meets

You may be great at saving money, but you cannot avoid some of the people who will cross your path in the process.

Best Money Tips: Avoid These Foods to Sleep Better

Today we found articles on foods to avoid if you want to sleep better, ways to get free samples from Walmart, and things that first-time homebuyers need to know.

20 Fun Ways to Use Pumpkin

Pumpkin is everywhere this time of year. Go beyond the jack o' lantern and the pie and put pumpkin to even more delicious, decorative, and fun uses.

10 Money Moves You Need to Make Before the End of the Year

Holiday season is also year end financial season. Take a break from holiday craziness and spend some you time prepping your money for 2015.

Shop the Salad Bar and Other Ways to Save Big on Groceries

You've probably already tried all the possible ways to save money at the grocery store, right? Not yet you haven't!

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 4/21, 12pm Pacific for Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: How to save money while moving. Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate.

Why You Need to Know the Difference Between Secured and Unsecured Debts

You have secured debt, and you have unsecured debt. Do you know the difference? It's time to learn.

Best Money Tips: Make a Small Kitchen Feel Big

Today we found some great articles on how to make a small kitchen feel big, property renovations that affect your home's value, and retirement savings tips for new grads.

Best Money Tips: Beat Food Price Inflation

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to beat food price inflation, personal finance basics for new grads, and how to sell your home without a realtor.

5 Ways to Keep Customer Information Safe

If you handle any part of your business online, the chances of someone gaining access to information immediately goes up. Keep customer information safe with these steps.

13 Holiday Gifts That Aren't Worth the Money

Time is running out on holiday shopping season! Take a deep breath, don't panic, and avoid buying any of these overpriced and wasteful "gifts."

Investing in Web Security

What would happen if you lost the data on your business's computer system or if it was hacked? Small businesses need to recognize the cost of not properly addressing web securit

The 5 Best Travel Adapters

Finding the right travel adapter for an international trip isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these travel adapters and your electric travel accessories will work while abroad.

Financing an Expansion

There are a number of sources of capital for most business owners who need help financing an expansion. It's just a matter of finding the right fit for your company.

8 Ways Telework Can Save You $20,000 a Year

Everyone touts the work life benefits and savings of telework for employees, but why should business owners want their people working at home?

7 Money-Saving Tricks You Can Learn From Same-Sex Couples

Same-sex couples have a lot to teach heteros about partnering up, starting with some easy cost cutting and frugal living tips.

How to Enjoy Las Vegas Without Losing Your Shirt

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Except for your money. You don't have to leave it all behind.

10 Quick Financial Moves to Make Today at Lunch

Escape the office for an hour every day and spend your time managing your finances for maximum return — and early retirement.

Best Money Tips: How to Age Well on a Shoestring

Today we found some great articles on how to age well on a shoestring, tools to help you reclaim your time, and a morning checklist for the best day ever.