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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask The Readers: Do You Buy In Bulk?

Tell us whether or not you buy in bulk and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Places to Find Free or Cheap Mason Jars

Don't overpay for brand new canning jars! If you know where to find them, affordable used jars can help you preserve your garden bounty on the cheap.

9 Financial Moves You Will Always Regret

Life is best lived with no regrets. But if you make these money moves, you’re sure to have a few.

10 Signs Your Company Is Going Under

Has half the executive staff suddenly decided to make more time for family? Yeah, your company is doomed.

Waste Not, Want Not: Stop Throwing Away Your Food!

Getting rid of less, not just spending less, is one of the keys to saving money. Here are some tips to keep waste to a minimum in your kitchen.

9 Ways Your Lazy Habits Are Costing You

Time to get up off the couch and take control of your financial future. You can do this!

8 Surprising Ways a Personal Website Can Improve Your Life

Even if you don't have a side hustle to promote, creating a personal website can make your life better. So why not make one?

How to Get Hired by Your Dream Company

If your dream gig is more of a "who" than a "what," learn how to go the extra mile to get hired.

8 Ways to Minimize Costs and Maximize ROI on Employee Travel

Whether you have a sales force of two that only does the occasional overnight, or you maintain an army of road warriors and have your own travel coordination department, these 8

7 Ways to Get People to Listen When You Talk

Whether you're speaking to one person or a hundred, you've got to keep your audience engaged. Try these tricks of the toastmaster at your next talk.

6 Cool Jobs for Retirees

Working in retirement is a reality for many. But the right gig can be a fun and rewarding way to earn cash in your golden years.

20 New Things You Can Make With Old Denim Jeans

Don't toss that old denim! The durable and easy to work fabric is well-suited for a number of post-wardrobe uses.

2-Minute Read: What You Need to Know About Credit Reports

Your credit report includes important information used to determine your creditworthiness. Do you understand everything on it?

The 5 Best Stay-At-Home Haircare Essentials

Whether you're looking for a dry shampoo, or a root cover-up to hide those grays, you can have the best haircare products delivered right to your door.

How to Keep Peer Pressure From Destroying Your Finances

Keeping up with the Joneses is keeping too many of us in debt.

6 Great Side Jobs for Book Lovers

Wishing you could spend all day reading books instead of going to work? Put that bookwormery to good use by getting paid to be a book lover.

5 Emergency Situations You Must Prepare For (and 5 You Can Ignore)

It won't be the end of the world as you know it if you plan for likely calamities, but you probably don't need to prep for the end of the world.

Why Southwest Airlines Is the Best Domestic Airline for Families

Traveling with your kids? Choose the airline that provides the best perks for families.

9 Childhood Collectibles Worth Big Bucks Today

Climb into the attic or visit your storage locker — those old toys and games you held onto for no reason may be worth thousands today.