Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Give to Charity?

Tell us how you give to charity and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

It costs nothing to be nice.

I was in McDonald's this morning, returning a RedBox movie rental. I've seen a lot more of this place since I started using RedBox actually, and although I don't order

Wittlebee Giving Away 3 Months Free Clothing Subscription to Wise Bread Readers! ($120 Value)

Win 3 months of free designer clothing for your kids by answering a fun question!

One Way to Combat High Prices - Just Run Out of Gas

A story recently appearing in the Atlanta Journal Constitution told of a growing trend in the metro Atlanta area - people running out of gas. This is probably to be expected consi

10 Investing Concepts to Ignore and 10 to Follow

New investors have a lot of advice to sift through — and it's not all good. Learn what to ignore and what to pay attention to.

Book Talk On “The Offsite: A Leadership Challenge Fable”

The Offsite is a quirky quick read, a short novel by leadership consultant Robert H. Thompson. There are no talking animals or inanimate objects that adopt human characteristics a

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Idea of a Perfect Valentine's Day?

Tell us your idea of a perfect Valentine's Day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: A Pocket-Sized Guide to Financial Success

Today we found some fantastic articles on a pocket-sized guide to financial succses, negotiating deals, and sneaky ways to save on rent.

Pitting Airline Against Hotel Rewards

If you've ever hesitated before redeeming your airline miles and wondered if you're getting a good deal, you're in good company.

You Missed a Student Loan Payment. Now What?

Whoops — did you miss a student loan payment? Don't panic! Here's how to fix your situation.

Could you determine someone's creditworthiness by his or her looks?

Today I read about an interesting study done by Rice University on the correlation between trustworthiness and looks. The researchers utilized the popular peer to peer lending sit

Best of Personal Finance: Credit Where Credit Is Due Edition

Credit cards are fun for the whole family, until the bills start rolling in and you are expected to hand over your hard-earned money for the stuff you bought on plastic. In this we

Best Money Tips: How to Make Decisions

Today we found some awesome articles on making decisions, money-saving strategies that cost you more, and how paying off debt is like running a marathon.

10 Secrets of Long-Distance Job Hunting

Ready to get out of Dodge but need to have a job before you go? Follow this guide and land a new gig in a new city before you've said goodbye to the old one.

8 Credit Mistakes That Could Hurt Your Mortgage Application

Before you send in your mortgage application, there are 8 things you must fix to have the best chance at getting approved.

Recalled Robes, Cribs, and Hooded Sweatshirts: Top Safety Concerns You Should Know About

This isn’t the first time I’ve written about recalls. Sadly, they seem to pop up every day – either an indication of our products getting junkier, or a sign that the government is

Are Airline or Travel Rewards Credit Cards the Better Deal?

What offers the most value for your buck: generic travel rewards cards, or airline cards? Let's take a look.

5 Thoughts I Had After Paying Off My Credit Card Debt

A lot goes through your mind when you finally overcome credit card debt. After "Whoo-Hoo!," what comes next?

How to Stop Being Afraid and Live Your Dreams

We know we have to put ourselves out there, but rejection and failure are hard. Learn how to overcome that fear and reach for what you want.

12 Everyday Money Tasks You've Been Doing Wrong

Minimum payments, retail therapy, yikes! Don't let these bad money blunders burn through your cash.