Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Stay Organized When Grocery Shopping

Today we found some great articles to help you organize your grocery shopping, write a better business letter, and overcome negative emotions.

Free Music Lessons Online! For now...

Ever paid for private music lessons? Pricey, no? I know that my accordian lessons got to be too much for my feeble salary to cover. Now, you can learn music online. Through You Tube! Video lessons, all for free. [more]

Can't Cook? Fake It. Easiest French Recipe, Ever.

Sometimes you have to cook to impress. Fortunately, there are dishes out there that are so deceptively delicious that no one will ever have to know that you whipped it up in ten minutes using the bare minimum of ingredients. [more]

Best Money Tips: Vacation Without Breaking the Bank

Today we found some awesome articles on how to vacation without breaking teh bank, 50 ways to make money, and tips to help you save more.

Best Money Tips: Help Your Children Build Credit

Today we found some awesome articles on helping your children build credit, the best things to buy in June, and marketing tactics for job hunters.

Book Review: Excuse Me, Your Job is Waiting!

A few weeks ago, I won a copy of Excuse Me, Your Job Is Waiting: Attract the Work You Want from Consumerism Commentary (thanks, Flexo!). [more]

Finding the Right Job: There’s Plenty of Phish in the Sea

My husband and I are no strangers to the job hunt scene. Before he was even out of college, we were scouring the newspapers, searching the onli

Best Money Tips: The Best and Worst Baby Buys

Today we found some awesome articles on the best and worst baby buys, ways to budget your bucks, and saving money on your car insurance.

Ask The Readers: Do You Comparison Shop?

Tell us if you comparison shop and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Triggers for Financial Infidelity

Today we found some great articles on triggers for financial infidelity, how to do your own landscaping, and tips for buying your first home.

Best Money Tips: Throwing a Yard Sale When You Live in an Apartment

Today we found some fantastic articles on throwing a yard sale if you live in an apartment, networking for jobs, and children and allowance.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/10, 12pm PST/3pm EST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Majoring in Money! Join our conversation with Sallie Mae for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #MajoringinMoney to participate!

Ask the Readers: What Was Your Best Investment in 2017?

Tell us about your best investment in 2017 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: How to Make a Quick $50

Today we found some fantastic articles on how to make a quick $50, packing travel essentials to save money, and preventing buyer's remorse.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 8/15, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: DIY Projects! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

Best Money Tips: 96 Ways to Cut Your Spending

Today we found some fantastic articles on 96 ways to cut your spending, ways you're sabotaging your job hunt, and keeping your large family frugal.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 09/12

Today's great deals include 70% off Boys Clearance Tees, Calvin Klein Girls' Outfits $25 and Under, 70% off Outdoor Apparel, and more!

Best Money Tips: Fall Trends on a Budget

Today we found some great articles on fall trends on a budget, surviving losing your job, and things happy couples do differently.

Best Money Tips: Slay Your Financial Fears

Today we found some fantastic articles on simple ways to slay your financial fears, whether it's cheaper to buy or stream music, and airline fees worth paying for.

3 Surprising Ways to Save on Wireless Bills

Cell phone voice and data charges can climb in a hurry. Keep your cell data bill manageable by managing your plan, and your usage, more cleverly.