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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

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Topic: Saving During Graduation Season! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 10/3

Today's great deals include 2 in 1 Grocery Store & Puppet Theater Tent 45.99, Anne Klein Loafers under $70, 60% off Men's Reebok, and more!

Don't Get Taken for a Ride on a Diploma

With all of the uncertainty in today's job market with rising layoffs, whether temporary or otherwise, many people are looking to expand their skills and education in an effort to

5 Tips to Get the Most Out of a Library Sale

Library sales aren't always for the faint of heart, and the huge selection plus low prices can be overwhelming. Follow these tips for a better trip next time.

Countrywide tried to steal my parents' money - How you can avoid being a victim of mortgage servicing fraud

A few weeks ago I wrote an article about checking your mortgage statement, and interestingly enough my family was recently confronted with an erroneous mortgage statement. This is

5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 10/17

Today's deals include Scary Pumpkin Face T-Shirt $10, 40% off Halloween hats and headwear, 65% off Scotch Thermal Laminator, and more!

Save Hundreds by Getting Yourself Out of Hot Water

Saving hot water can be easy — and even help you lose weight — with just a few habit changes.

4 Ways Student Loans Impact Your Taxes

Got student loan debt? Who doesn't. Lessen the burden by knowing just how that debt plays into your taxes.

The 5 Most Common Ways People Derail Their Retirement

Many people are making these critical mistakes in their retirement planning. Are you one of them?

Best Money Tips: Save Money at Trader Joe's

Today we found some great articles on saving money at Trader Joe's, career lessons from cats, and things extraordinary people give to others.

Flashback Friday: 41 Coffee Hacks That Will Instantly Improve Your Morning

Make your hectic mornings brighter by making better coffee, or getting it for a better price.

Cash Is King: Now What Should I Do With It?

When the going gets tough, the tough accumulate huge piles of cash. Great. But what do you do with it once you've piled it all up. There are lots of options out there, but which on

Best Money Tips: Talking to Kids About Family Finances

Today we found some great articles on taking to kids about family finances, saving money to live your dream, and cutting costs without cutting corners.

It takes a frugal spouse to make a frugal home

Something of an exaggeration, of course—a one-person household can be very frugal. But there's an underlying truth: A household is only as frugal as its least-frugal member.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Friday 11/08

Today's great deals include 35% off LeapFrog Toys, $2 Kindle Books, $400 off Cuisinart Chef's Classic 10-Piece Cookware, and more!

Medical Tourism 101: Listen Live for Big Savings

Have you ever wondered what the phrase “medical tourism” really meant? Are you looking for ways to cut back on healthcare costs (both at home and abroad)? We chat candidly with A

Why Canada’s TFSA Is Totally Awesome

If you live in Canada, you should definitely make a Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) part of your retirement savings plan. Here's why.

6 Ways to Have a Great Late-Night Workout

Late at night may be the only time you have for a workout. To make it great (and still fall asleep on time) follow these suggestions.

Best Money Tips: How to Make Over $100,000 by Skipping Coffee

Today we found articles on how to make $100,000 by skipping coffee, items you should always buy at thrift stores, and easy ways to get rid of pimples.

10 Money Conversations You Must Have With Your Family

Skipping these key conversations will put your family's financial future at risk. Learn how to educate and protect your family today.