Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Expert Tips for Building Effective Email Lists

An email list can help promote your business and reach your market simply and effectively. Before you get started, here are a few things to consider.

Turn Your Business Into a Money Machine

When it comes right down to it, every business is a money machine. Some are just better designed than others.

5 Small Businesses That Made It Big With The Help Of Reality Shows

Appearing on reality television might be one of the biggest breaks you can get for your small business. Here's what to know, and how to make it happen.

The Tyranny of Stuff

"Stuff" can be helpful items, prized possessions, or needless objects that clutter not just our homes, but also our lives. Here's a vote for simplicity.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save at the Vet

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save at the vet, saving for your child's college education, and negotiating your medical bills.

4 Ways to Inject Cash into Your Business

Banks and other outside investors aren't the only sources of additional cash to grow your business.

How to Network Sincerely and Effectively

Building an effective network among your customers and colleagues is a key to business success. And the key to effective networking is sincerity.

Customer Service Nightmares - What's a Good Consumerist to Do?

Customer-oriented blogsite Consumerist lets jilted shoppers rant about the companies that have done them wrong.

12 Tasty Ways to Cook With Wine

What to do with those couple extra pours in the bottle? Add a boozy twist to your next dish with these killer ways to use wine in the kitchen.

Best Money Tips: 42 Ways to Simplify Your Life

Today we found some great tips to simplify your life, use old furniture, and take frugal road trips.

Cheap Condoms: Spread the Love, and Only the Love

Protect yourself and your sweetheart this Valentine's Day. Here's where to find condoms for next to nothing.

Best Money Tips: Saving Money at the Gas Pump

Today we found some great articles on saving money at the gas pump, grocery shopping smart, and ways to save money while skiing.

Lock bumping - your home isn't safe

I heard about lock bumping last month from a friend. I figured it was all just a bunch of hokum. But I checked it out. It's not a myth, it's not an urban legend. Crooks can make a generic key to open any lock, including yours. And it's easy. [more]

Take an Imaginary Do-Over

When it comes to defining what you really need and want in life, it can help to imagine having nothing at all.

Best Money Tips: Cut Costs on Moving Expenses

Today we found some fantastic articles on cutting costs on moving expenses, ways to earn more money, and things that could be hurting your credit score.

3 Cheap Ways to Win Over the Ladies (by Looking Better)

I used to be a slovenly brute. OK, not so much slovenly as... average. My morning routine including a shave, shower, and deodorant. I figured that was all a guy had to do to look good. [more]

Create a Budget Based on the Best Money You've Ever Spent

Think about the best purchase you've ever made. Now, base your new budget off it!

10 Small Towns With the Most Millionaires Per Capita

Don't let the small town charm fool you; these mini-cities are home to a myriad millionaires.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/29, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win Prizes!

Topic: Raising Financially Savvy Kids! Join our chat with Jump$tart for a chance to win $200 in Amazon gift cards! Participate using #WBChat and #afinlitfuture!

MoMA mia! Art is on sale.

It's that time of year again. The Museum Of Modern Art is having a ridiculous clearance sale and there are a ton of great art bargains to be had. Everything from home artefacts to posters and personal accessories are up to 90% off! [more]