Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 8 Best Ways to Stream TV and Movies for Free

Is it finally time to cut the cord? Find out the latest on free and legal video streaming services and see for yourself.

How Buying a House Impacts Your Career

Believe it or not, buying a house impacts your career as much as it does your finances.

8 Legit Ways to Use the Gym for Free

Don't want to pay for a full gym membership? Instead, follow these strategies that let you work out at the gym without paying a cent.

I Finally Canceled Comcast Cable…Before It Hurt More Than My Wallet

Treat me poorly once, Comcast, shame on you. Provide startlingly awful customer service again, and you lose my business entirely.

6 Ways Millennials Are Working Less and Earning More

Millennials have grown up with the internet, and are now using it to work less and earn more.

Life Without Television

I haven't owned a television in over 7 years. I haven't lived in a house with a set in over 5 years. I spend my days largely television-free, and I actually like it.

8 Things You No Longer Need to Keep in Your Wallet

Is your wallet weighing down your pockets? Ditch the old school wallet and go digital.

Homemade Peanut Butter: Recipe and Cost Comparison

Normally we assume it's cheaper to make something homemade rather than buy it at the store. But what about peanut butter? Is it cheaper to make your own homemade peanut butter?

Party Like It's 19.99: The Psychology of Pricing

Does the store you're shopping at want to be seen as a bargain? A purveyor of luxury goods? A renegade? The answer is in the last two digits of the price.

Why Private Banking Isn't Just for Millionaires Anymore

Whether you're a billionaire buying a jet, or a spy who needs a suitcase packed with $100 bills, private banks provide services not available to ordinary people — until now.

101 Ways to Save Money Around the House

Saving extra dollars around the house is like finding money in the couch — and lots more fun. How much will you find?

11 Simple Rules of Excellent Houseguest Etiquette

Being a great houseguest requires more than a parting gift upon departure. See what it takes to really make sure you get invited back.

The Backdoor to Amazon's 70% off deals

I'm completely crazy about a new site I've just discovered. It's called Jungle Crazy and it's brought to you by those nice folks who also gave you RetailMeNot and BugMeNot. What is it? [more]

How to Get Your Spouse on Board With Budgeting

You and your spouse may be on the same page with beliefs, and parenting methods, but are your financial goals in line?

The AMAZON URL hack generator. Save big $$$.

In a previous post I mentioned url hacking. It's basically just a way to figure out how to get to the bargains more quickly, and involves finding the codes for the different departments on Amazon and matching them to a sale percentage. [more]

Why "Buy One Get One Free" Is Usually A Bad Deal

Recently, I read about a promotion from a home builder in San Diego where consumers could buy a 4000 square foot house for $1.6 million and get a smaller home by the developer valu

101 Small Business Mistakes (and What You Can Learn From Them)

Let's be honest: running a small business is not an easy task. And even the most successful business owners have had their fair share of blunders. Here are some of the biggest mist

The Best Prepaid Debit Cards

Prepaid debit cards offer the convenience of a regular credit card...with some unexpected benefits. Learn more about these financial tools.

Make These 9 Health Moves Now or You'll Regret It in 20 Years

What kind of shape will you be in 20 years from now? Do your future self a favor and start making some easy health moves now.

5 Ways to Say "No" to Friends and Family

It's not always easy to say no to the people you love. Reclaim your time while keeping your relationships with these five ways to say "nay."