Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Cheap Ways to Improve the Air Quality in Your Home

Protect your family and keep the air you breathe clean, fresh, and pure with these simple, low-cost indoor air quality improvements.

Ask the Readers: Have You Ever Re-Gifted?

It's a sticky subject, but something that is very common. We're talking regifting, and with the economy making shopping new a little bit harder than last year, it's something that

Ask the Readers: What's Your Healthy New Year's Habit?

How will your health habits will change in January? Will you save money as a result? Or do you even bother waiting until the New Year (you can start now!)? We'd love to hear what o

9 Useful Kitchen Gifts

Running out of gift ideas? One of these useful items would be a welcome addition to any kitchen.

Get a Grip on Your Debt: How to Obtain a Clear, Concise Financial Snapshot

Before we can tackle our debt problems, we need to know from where we are starting.

Ask the Readers: Hamburger, What to Do With It? (A Chance to win $20!)

Everyone knows that in most instances, hamburger is an affordable meat option. You can brown it, bake it, patty it, or fry it. Problem gets a bit tiring when it's the ONLY

Which Workout Clothes Are Worth Splurging On (And Which Aren't)

It's OK to go cheap on some fitness stuff, but other gear is worth more. Find out where you should put your money for maximum health and safety.

3 Good Money Examples Every Parent Should Set

If you can master these financial habits in your own life, your kids could be better off with money.

You Won't Believe How Much You Can Save With an Ice Cube Tray

You can do a lot more with an ice tray than make ice — you can freeze your spending, reduce food waste, and more! Learn how.

Best Money Tips: Easy Ways to Practice Yoga on the Cheap

Today we found articles on easy ways to practice yoga on the cheap, awesome DIY stocking stuffers, and the best and worst foods for an empty stomach.

The Right Thing to Say in 20 Tough Situations

Avoid putting your foot in your mouth by always knowing what to say in 20 these challenging social situations.

Keep Your Family Safe with these 6 Must-Have Smartphone Apps

Whether you have kids, pets, or just hang out alone, we’ve got the scoop on the most effective applications designed to help you live a healthy, happier home life!

8 Stocks to Dump Before the New Year

Sometimes even investments have sell-by dates. You might want to cut your losses with these investments before 2017.

My 2016 Budget Challenge: What to Do With a Totaled Car

Things took an unfortunate turn for Max — somewhat literally — on the 110 Freeway. Can she find the silver lining in her totaled set of wheels?

Best Money Tips: 10 Least-Visited National Parks

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we tell you about 10 rarely-visited national pa

Best Money Tips: How to Simplify Your Life in 2017

Today we found articles on ways to simplify your life in 2017, how to meet your fitness goals without busting your budget, and a warning to online shoppers about a new scam.

The 5 Best Camping Sleeping Pads

Maintaining comfort while camping doesn't have to be difficult. Get any of these sleeping pads and you'll get a restful night's sleep under the stars.

Best Money Tips: Avoid These Common Tax Season Scams

Today we found articles on common tax season scams to avoid, tips for booking cheaper flights, and driving habits to avoid this winter.

Turbo-Charge Your Nutrition With Superfoods

You can rev up your diet by understanding and using the power of superfoods. Explore which foods fall within the superfood category and why.

17 Ways to Enjoy Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt has 17 grams of protein per serving. To celebrate, consider one of these 17 delicious ways to enjoy a bowlful.