Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Snail Free Gardening

Green gardening should be cheap. Organic gardening was the way of the world before chemical companies found ways to create compounds that could destroy pests quickly and effectively. [more]

25 Tasty and Affordable Salad Dressing Recipes

Whether you're a die-hard salad lover or a chopped-veggies newbie, these 25 delicious, easy-to-make dressings will spice up your salads.

Pure Genius - All In The Name Of Eco-Friendly

Ok, recycling is as eco-friendly as I get so far, and I'm even too lazy for that sometimes. [more]

Building Wealth: Highlights from Our Chat in Honor of Houston Money Week

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with the Dallas Fed on building wealth.

How to Brown Bag it With Style

Finding time to pack your lunch for work each day can feel pretty overwhelming. Trying to be creative about it can be even more frustrating. Following are several categories of sug

Best Money Tips: Easy Ways to Cut Your Food Bill

Today we found some awesome articles on easy ways to cut your food bill, redecorating your home on the cheap, and side hustles to make extra money.

Can Black Google Save You Energy?

An Australian company, Heap, has come up with a search engine that could Save 750 Megawatt-hours a Year. How will they do it? They've turned Google black. From what I've read, ther

Best Money Tips: Ways to Make Extra Money

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to make extra money, things you don't need to spend money on, and using social media to advance your career.

Roll your own cost-of-living index

If you have a budget--more specifically, if you track your spending--you have the data you need to track changes in your own personal cost of living. That's a lot more useful

10 Frugal Tips You Haven’t Already Heard

Whether you're a frugal newbie or a pro, check out these money-saving suggestions you might not have heard before.

Best Money Tips: Tips for Spending Less Money

Today we found some great articles on tips for spending less money, keeping the peace when parents move in with their adult children, and selling your clothes for cash.

15 Awesome Storage Solutions for Under $10

Feeling the need to do some Spring Cleaning? Not sure where to stash all your stuff? These storage solutions are not only clever, but they are super-affordable (many are free!)

Ask the Readers: Do You Spring Clean?

Tell us whether or not you clean house each spring and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Loyalty Programs You've Never Heard Of

Today we found customer loyalty programs you’ve never heard of, overlooked expenses that ruin your budget, and cheap ways to treat yourself.

Best Money Tips: Cheap Easter Crafts for Kids

Today we found some stellar articles on cheap Easter crafts for kids, ways to save $100 in a month, and debt lessons from The Pursuit of Happyness.

The Bailbondsman Approach Part Deux: Fiscal Stimulus No Gonna Workie

Paul Michael essentially wrote this post in January but it needs to be said again. A culture that remedies a systemic problem that stems from borrowing, with, well...more borrowing

Ask the Readers: Do You Buy Apps?

Tell us if you buy apps and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Best Job Interview Tip?

Tell us your best job interview tip and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Get Your Free Chicken and Caffeine on May 15th

This Thursday there will be two nation-wide promotions offering treats to customers of McDonalds and Dunkin’ Donuts. While I’m a fan of chicken and waffles, I’ve never done chicke

Ask the Readers: Do You Regift?

Tell us whether you regift and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!