Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Ways to Ace Your Next Phone Interview

You applied for the job. Your interview is next week — and it's over the phone. Don't treat this like a piece of cake. It's time to brush up.

Costs of Adding Ecommerce to Brick-and-Mortar Retailing

As your business grows, you’ll find that expanding via the web will be less expensive for certain P&L line items but require extra spending in other categories.

13 Parenting Hacks That Will Save You Time

Kids have voracious appetites — for their parents' time. Claw some of it back with this collection of daily kidcare shortcuts and family-life time-savers.

Doing Due Diligence on Contractors: Where to Start

A good contractor can make all the difference in the world. Unfortunately, so can a bad one. You need to choose your contractor with due diligence.

10 Gardening Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Finally, my black thumb has turned green, and I can pick fresh vegetables for our dinner several nights a week. Learn from my trial and error.

Do Fools Rush in where Angels Fear to Tread?

With new business starts at an all time high, you'd think shopping for good investments would be easier. But private investors aren't going there.

Best Money Tips: Things Receptionists Won't Tell You

Today we found some great articles about things receptionists won't tell you, how to keep your A/C bill down this summer, and how to get free stuff.

60+ Things You Can Decorate With Washi Tape

Colorful washi tape is easy to work with and suitable for a bunch of fun design and decoration projects. Where will you stick washi tape next?

Cyber Security on the Road

We'll look at how to protect your identity and electronic data while traveling, so you — and your business — return home safely every time.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 9/7, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving at the Mall! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Market Segmentation to Grow Customers, Sales, and Profits

Neil Lindsay, chief marketing officer for Sprint Prepaid Group, shares his approach to brand positioning, messaging, and go-to-market strategies.

How a $14 Gift Increased Sales by 669%

This is a story of a tiny company that did a good deed, and that deed alone generated a massive growth in sales literally overnight.

Best Money Tips: Life-Changing Ways to Repurpose Household Items

Today we found some great articles on life-changing ways to repurpose household items, characteristics of those who are serious about their debt, and tips to stay ahead at work.

5 Site Metrics Every Small Business Should Track

If you're not paying attention to your site analytics, your business is leaving money on the table. Here are the most important metrics that you'll want to track.

31 Small Business Tax Deductions

Not deducting all of the expenses that you are allowed leaves money on table. Use the following checklist of rules to reduce your taxable income as much as legally possible.

No-Sew Ways to Update Your Wardrobe

If you have some outdated clothes that you want to revive, these easy updates will give you a new look, no needle and thread required.

Do This One Thing to Defeat Disorganization Forever

Once you've decided where to start, you've already won. Get organized by doing it the right way — your way.

Make More, Save More With Project-Based Accounting

Get a handle on what constitutes a project and the resources required to develop, sustain, execute, and complete project-oriented assignments.

10 Affordable Kids' Gifts That Won't Rot Their Brains

Give a kid an "educational" toy and it'll soon migrate to the bottom of the toy box. Try these toys and games that are fun first and smart second.

Best Money Tips: Smart Ways to Use a Dollar

Today we found articles on smart ways to use a dollar, simple ways to make light in a blackout, and how to correct common billing errors.