Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Time Is Money. Now Act Like It.

Time really is money. Every second of every day has monetary value, whether you're punching a time clock, running a business, or brushing your teeth.

Dealing With Problem Employees: The Basics of Progressive Discipline

You never want to fire anyone. As a business owner you want to lead, develop, and empower people.

Bringing in a Pro to Value Your Business: The Questions You Must Ask

A business appraiser or a certified valuation analyst has the education and expertise necessary to put a dollar value on a company.

Food Truck Envy: Should You Jump on This Hot Food Trend?

If you live in a city, you may wonder if it's time to quit your day job and join the legions of food truck owners you see around town.

To Groupon or Not to Groupon: The Cost of Offering Deep Discounts

Wouldn't it be nice if you could run a free online coupon deal and wake up the next morning to learn you'd sold two thousand pre-paid dinners or event tickets? Maybe, maybe not.

Handling Money Decisions with Partners

Making financial decisions can be tough, and with a partner, they become even tougher. Learn how to decide with partners what's best for your business.

3 Ways to Get Tax-Free Income from Your Corporation

Some days it seems you're working for nobody but the taxman. Here's how you can keep a little of it for yourself.