Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Career Tips for Young People

Today, we give you career advice for young people, three more uses for your phone's camera, shopping recommendations for generic vs. name-brand products, and more!

Best Money Tips: Cook Healthier With These Ingredient Substitutions

Today we found articles on ingredient substitutions for healthier cooking, work from home jobs you should avoid, and habits of irresistible people.

Best Money Tips: Steps to Grocery Savings Without Double Coupons

Today we found some fantastic articles on grocery savings without double coupons, things that annoy hiring managers, and coming to grips with paying your rent on time.

5 Money Lessons People Learn at Their First Job

A first job teaches plenty about getting and keeping a job. A first paycheck teaches us a few things about getting and keeping money, too.

Best Money Tips: Surviving Daylight Savings Time

Today we found some great articles on surviving daylight savings time, negotiating your medical and dental bills, and saving money on groceries.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Do Less Laundry

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to do less laundry, essential money saving tips, and motivational songs to get you through your taxes.

Small Business Profile: Stefanie Michaels (Adventure Girl)

Former swimwear model Stefanie Michaels, known to her fans as “Adventure Girl”, is the ultimate travel expert. Millions of fans visit to follow Stefanie as she

9 Ways to Protect Your Pricing and Keep Your Customers

You don't always have to slash prices to stay competitive. There are many great ways you can add value to your goods and services at little or no cost. Here are 9 ways to protec

12 Steps to a Loan Renewal in 2010

It’s your job to make sure your 2009 financial statements don’t send bankers running for the hills. So how do you protect your company from being crushed in the crunch come time

3 Components of Financial Clarity

How many businesses really have a handle on the past, the present, and the future? Only with an understanding of all three of these things are entrepreneurs empowered with the c

Best Money Tips: Wedding Makeup on a Budget

Today we found some awesome articles on how to do your wedding makeup on a budget, ways you're getting ripped off, and Father's Day gift ideas under $100.

The HIRE Act: Incentives for Hiring Now

If your business has been growing but you've been reluctant to take on a new employee because of economic uncertainty, maybe recently enacted tax incentives will convince you to

Cyber Crime: Can You Afford to Ignore It?

Do you have a business continuity plan? If not, you’d better keep reading. Your company’s financial well-being depends on it.

High-Value Employee Benefits at a Reasonable Cost

Employee benefits can add 35% and more to payroll costs. Cutting benefits might be one way to trim expenses. But, there is more than one path to cost savings.

Lifestyle Employee Benefits with Payback

Wellness programs, employee assistance programs (EAPs), and more hold promise for boosting employee well-being and company profits.

Best Money Tips: Inexpensive Family Outings

Today we found some great articles on inexpensive family outings, how to negotiate fees and save on expenses, and Netflix alternatives.

Creating Business Contracts That Won't Get You Sued

To ensure your business is truly protected by the contracts you use, you need to create contacts that are specific to how your company does business.

Best Money Tips: Stay Healthy While Traveling

Today we found some great articles on how to maintain healthy habits when traveling, how to ask for a raise, and steps to forming good financial habits.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Multi-Level Marketing

Statistics show that Mary Kay, Amway, and other multi-level marketing plans are scams. That is, if you believe statistics.

How Businesses Can Cash in on Long-Lasting Fads

It might sound like an oxymoron, but identifying lasting trends can improve your relevancy while strengthening your core business.