Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Keep Office Solicitations From Busting Your Budget

Office solicitations are a sneaky budget buster. It's time to stop letting them drain your savings.

Can You Really Save With Amazon Prime Pantry?

Prime Pantry is yet another of Amazon's many services aimed at saving consumers time and money. How can you make the most of it?

The 35 Best Ways to Spend Your Free Time (Frugally)

One way to spend less is to take up a fun hobby. Try one of these great ones, and you may even improve yourself and your bank account along the way too.

10 Things to Look for Every Time You Visit a Thrift Store

Like finding awesome stuff at great prices? Make the most of your thrift-store trips by always keeping an eye out for these items.

Make the World Better With These 17 Free Ways to Give Back

There are plenty of ways to donate your unwanted belongings and your time without spending a dime.

6 Easy Ways to Stop Wasting Plastic

Want to do your part and help the environment? Cut back on plastic by cutting out these six things.

Do You Need Wedding Insurance?

You hope your wedding day goes off without a hitch, but some things you just can't control, so you might want to consider wedding insurance.

How to Make $400+ a Week as a Pet Sitter

Need extra cash? Love animals? Get started as a pet sitter and you'll have Fido fetching you funds in no time.

9 Qualities to Look for in Well-Made Clothing

Before stocking your capsule wardrobe with some sweet new outfits, make sure they're worth the cost — and will last a good long while.

Effortless Ways to Make Money Online That Don't Require Skills

If you can read this, you probably have everything you need to earn extra money online. Here's how to turn your web browser into a cash catcher.

5 Pet Costs You Don't See Coming

Pets soon become family — which means more often than not, you'll pony up. Start saving now for these pet expenses you can't avoid.

6 Back-to-School Shopping Hacks for Big Savings

Back-to-school time means breaking out the wallet, but it can be a lot less hectic — and a lot cheaper — with some crib notes.

Why You Should Throw a Dinner Party to Talk About Death

Invite your friends over. Get the drinks flowing. Then get into a deep discussion about death. It won't be as bad as you think.

Five alternatives to 0% yield U.S. treasuries

This week the 4 week T-bill rate was driven down to 0% and the demand for these treasuries was astounding. It seems that investors are so pessimistic that they are willing to acce

Failed Frugality: 5 Clues You’ve Gone Too Far

For most people, frugality is a lifestyle choice born out of necessity. A lost job, increase in expenses, or a battle with debt has forced them to take extreme measures to balance

Recession Journal VI: It's OVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Any Questions?

The recession is technically over, officially over, numerically over. How do you feel now and what are you gonna do about it?

9 Surprising Uses for Empty Beer and Soda Cans

Don't throw away those empty beverage cans. With a few basic tools and a little imagination, you can put them to all sorts of uses.

6 Retirement Rules You Should Be Breaking

There's more to the golden years than meets the eye (and wallet). You may want to consider breaking these often misunderstood rules of retirement.

Are You Getting Charged by a Text Message Scam?

One writer shares her story about being charged for a cellphone text message service she never signed up for — and how you can avoid the same scam.

Writing for Money on the Interwebs

A while back, a girlfriend of mine forced me to watch a chick flick that she felt I would find inspiring. [more]