Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Building Wealth: Highlights from Our Chat in Honor of Houston Money Week

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with the Dallas Fed on building wealth.

Home Exchanges: Free Accommodations With Perks

Home exchanges are a great frugal option for family vacations, and they come with lots of added perks. Plan your trip with these tips and resources.

4 Times Student Loan Refinancing Can Save You Big

To re-fi or not to re-fi… managing a student loan today is surprisingly complex. Consider these factors before you decide.

How to Brown Bag it With Style

Finding time to pack your lunch for work each day can feel pretty overwhelming. Trying to be creative about it can be even more frustrating. Following are several categories of sug

Best Money Tips: Easy Ways to Cut Your Food Bill

Today we found some awesome articles on easy ways to cut your food bill, redecorating your home on the cheap, and side hustles to make extra money.

Best Money Tips: The Ultimate Guide to Disputing A Medical Bill

Today we found articles on how to dispute a medical bill, small towns you should visit on your next road trip, and when it makes sense to put less than 20 percent down on a house.

Can Black Google Save You Energy?

An Australian company, Heap, has come up with a search engine that could Save 750 Megawatt-hours a Year. How will they do it? They've turned Google black. From what I've read, ther

Rolling Stone article on ethanol

In my recent post Plan for expensive fuel, I mentioned sustainable fuels in a somewhat dismissive fashion. [more]

Best Frequent Flyer Programs With Free First Class Seat Upgrades

You can pay to sit in first class -- or get a free seat upgrade thanks to your airline's frequent flyer program. Learn how to fly in style on these major domestic airlines!

A year without toilet paper - The Interview

You wouldn't necessarily know it from watching him on his appearance on The Colbert Report. He comes across as a soft-spoken, good-natured guy, for sure. [more]

Life Insurance: What to Consider Before Replacing a Policy

"Set it and forget it" shouldn't necessarily be your life insurance motto. Here's what to consider if you're shopping for a better policy.

The $25 gadget that keeps my home and family safe.

How much would you pay to sleep soundly at night, knowing your home is secure and your family is much safer? Well, I'd pay anything to be honest. But after my lockbumping post back

The 5 Best False Eyelashes

Give your lashes a bold boost of beautiful with the right false eyelashes. Any of these five best false eyelashes are great for your eyes!

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 9/24, 12pm PST/3pm EST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Budgeting for Your Health! Join our chat with Cigna for a chance to win $300 in Amazon gift cards. Use #WBChat and #budget4health to join us!

Best Money Tips: Ways to Make Extra Money

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to make extra money, things you don't need to spend money on, and using social media to advance your career.

Best Money Tips: 13 Food Hacks to Reduce Waste

Today we found some great articles on hacks that reduce food waste, ways to make an extra $500 for the holidays, and great small cities for millennials.

Best Money Tips: How to Jumpstart Your Emergency Fund This Month

Today we found articles on ways to jump-start your emergency fund, surprising uses for Fels Naptha soap, and important steps to take if you’re fired.

Give Your Career a Boost With One Skill

Want to impress potential employers and current bosses alike? Then it's time to learn some basic web coding. Here's why.

Best Money Tips: Surprising Lifesaving Items Under $15

Today we found articles on items under $15 that could save your life, how to spend a year abroad for $1,000 a month, and easy grilling hacks that’ll make you look like a genius.

Hobo Living Made Easy

Being a "Hobo" can take many shapes and forms. Here are a few tools to pave the way for a rent-free, sustainable, and environmentally & socially friendly lifestyle th