Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Ways to Grow Your Business with Email Subscriber Lists

Whether you’re launching your first campaign or want to make your current list more profitable, here are 8 proven ways to make your next email campaign a success.

8 Personal Finance Moves You Can Make While Jogging

Personal finance while jogging? With apps that make managing money easier than ever, fitness time can also be personal finance time.

Sexy Summer Dinners: 5 Great Hot-Weather Meal Ideas

Need fresh ideas for sultry summer dinners? Check out these elegant, guest-worthy, hot-weather meals.

13 Parenting Hacks That Will Save You Time

Kids have voracious appetites — for their parents' time. Claw some of it back with this collection of daily kidcare shortcuts and family-life time-savers.

Best Money Tips: Things Receptionists Won't Tell You

Today we found some great articles about things receptionists won't tell you, how to keep your A/C bill down this summer, and how to get free stuff.

Best Money Tips: Life-Changing Ways to Repurpose Household Items

Today we found some great articles on life-changing ways to repurpose household items, characteristics of those who are serious about their debt, and tips to stay ahead at work.

10 Affordable Kids' Gifts That Won't Rot Their Brains

Give a kid an "educational" toy and it'll soon migrate to the bottom of the toy box. Try these toys and games that are fun first and smart second.

Why Germans Have Longer Vacation Times and More Productivity

Self-sacrifice has almost always gone hand-in-hand with American entrepreneurship and small businesses. Yet Europeans have always seemed to have taken a different route when it com

Best Money Tips: Smart Ways to Use a Dollar

Today we found articles on smart ways to use a dollar, simple ways to make light in a blackout, and how to correct common billing errors.

The Lifetime Value of a Customer

The lifetime value of a customer is a valuable tool for measuring the contribution a customer makes to the bottom line and a useful basis for developing marketing strategies.

From a Snapple Marketing Veteran: How to Tap the Power of Packaging

Learn how to make your product stand out from the competition.

6 Tips for Making Cheaper, Faster, Better Meals

You don't have to slave over the stove to make a great meal. Craft delicious dinners quickly and cheaply with these tips.

Best Money Tips: Get Your Kids to Love School

Today we found some great articles on getting your kids to love school, saving money on gas, and things you can do to avoid regret.

Should You Take Out a Loan Backed by Your Investments?

Your investment bank or brokerage firm may have offered you a securities-based loan. Make sure you understand what you're signing up for before you sign up.

Flexible Work, Works – Even for Hourly Employees

Flexible work schedules can boost employee morale and your bottom line.

Opening the Book on Open Book Management

Share your company's financial information with your employees and you'll all share in the benefits of increased productivity.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 10/19, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Earning Extra Income! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Why Inflation?

We know how inflation happens—excess growth in the money supply. But why does inflation happen?

Best Money Tips: How to Afford Long-Term Travel

Today we found articles on how to afford long-term travel, extreme ways to save money, and quick switches for a greener home.

Is Your Summer Internship Program Legal?

Unfortunately, summer interns aren't short-term, low-cost administrative assistants.