Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Saving for College: Highlights from Our Chat With Dr. Barbara O'Neill from Rutgers

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Dr. Barbara O'Neill from Rutgers Cooperative Extension on saving for college!

How Anticipating the Worst Can Help You Succeed

It doesn't do much good to be Chicken Little, constantly convinced that financial ruin is imminent. That said, the strongest businesses do prepare for the worst.

Best Money Tips: Save Money On Your Vacation

Today we found some awesome articles on how to save money on your vacation, comparing health insurance plans, and the worst credit card mistakes.

Organizing Your Financial Paperwork

By reducing paperwork before you organize, keeping your financial documents in order can become quick, easy, and (mostly) painless.

6 Ways to Tell If a Credit Card Offer Is a Good One

That credit card offer looks awfully attractive. But is it really a good one? Time to read the fine print.

10 Tricks for Cutting Training Costs

It's easy to think of what a new employee costs just in terms of salary, but training can also be a significant — and reducible — expense.

Best Money Tips: Scientific Ways to Be Popular at Work

Today we found some great articles on ways scientific ways to be popular at work, habits of happy relationships, and tips for a better night’s sleep.

Is Your Revenue Model Right for Your Business?

The revenue model you choose can make or break your business. Before designing -- or redesigning -- your own, consider these classics.

Is Mobile Marketing Ready for Small Business?

Ten years ago the Web challenged small businesses to market in a new medium. Are mobile devices about to become your next marketing challenge?

How Investing Drives Us Crazy: Lessons From a Trade

Even when you do everything "right," you can still lose money on a trade. Get some good investing advice (even if it's not a guaranteed path to wealth).

6 Things You Need to Know Before Buying Waterfront Property

If a stunning waterfront view is part of your dream home, you have a few key questions to answer before buying.

7 Foods That Are Actually Better Buys at a Restaurant

Dining out is not great for budgets or waistlines. But for certain dishes and ingredients, the restaurant is often your best — or only — choice.

6 Considerations When Hiring a Celebrity Spokesperson

Planned carefully, a marketing campaign featuring a celebrity spokesperson can boost your profile and your sales. Planned poorly...

Best Money Tips: Department Store Beauty on a Budget

Today we found some great articles on department store beauty on a budget, 5 cheap foods to avoid, and gift ideas for your host or hostess.

5 Excuses We Need to Stop Making About Overspending

You deserve it. It's on sale! There are dozens of excuses for overspending, and it's time to stop making them.

5 Business Blogs that Can Boost Your Bottom Line

Stay up to date on business trends and discover new insights at these five forward leaning business blogs.

Best Money Tips: Must-Have Car Features That Will Save You Money

Today we found articles on must-have car features that will save you money, the best hacks for saving on Black Friday, and ways to make money in the next hour.

Best Money Tips: Last-Minute Money Tips for the Holidays

Today we found articles on last-minute money tips for surviving the holidays, reasons why single people need life insurance too, and dollar-store DIY projects to try.

The Cost of Finding a Treasure Chest Full of Gold

You struck gold — you're rich! Just how rich exactly? You may be unpleasantly surprised.

Free Money Finance Matching Your Salvation Army Donations Up to $5000!

If you are looking for a great cause to contribute to this holiday season, consider participating in the FMF $5k Red Kettle Challenge!