Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Building Wealth and Banishing Fear: Highlights from Our Chat With Cary Carbonaro

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Cary Carbonaro on how to build wealth and banish fear!

Is This News Story Fake? Here's How to Tell

Spare yourself the embarrassment of a public Facebook debunking, and learn how to fact-check news for yourself. It's easy!

The 5 Best Bidet Seats

Think bidets are just a European way to use the bathroom? Think again. Use any of these bidet seats and you'll see why they're so popular.

This Is the One Skill You Need If You Want to Work for Yourself

You've dreamed of starting a business (or maybe you already have) but if you don't master this entrepreneurial skill, your enterprise will be doomed.

14 Beauty Products You're Using That Actually Do Nothing

We all want to look good — nobody knows that better than the beauty industry. Keep your finances beautiful by avoiding these products.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Make Money This Week

Today we found some great articles on ways to make money this week, finding the right fit in a job, and ways you are wasting money at the grocery store.

How to Examine Your Healthcare Plan and Save

I’ve been examining healthcare plans for a couple of decades. I’ve been covered under employer-based plans and private individual plans. As a result, I've learned mu

Taking a Work Leave? Here's How to Prepare

No matter what reason you want a break from the 9-to-5, you need to prepare yourself — and your money — first.

Travel and Money: Using Your Debit Card on the Road

Using a debit card is a great way to access cash and pay for items while traveling. But it’s not infallible; let’s explore tips for using your debit card safely.

One Thing You Need to Do to Be Happy and Improve Your Relationships

Discover how one technique can help you move forward, joyfully.

Flashback Friday: 87 Frugal Ways to Make Winter Less Miserable

Winter can be a total bummer, especially when you're stuck inside all day. Shift your mindset with these fun ideas for a positive mood shift.

Best Money Tips: How to De-Stink Feet and Shoes

Today, learn how to get rid of foot odor and shoe stink right at home, get resume tips for the homemaker, try a tasty recipe for mini pies, and more!

4 Reasons to Cut Yourself Some Slack Following a Financial Setback

The first step to bouncing back from a money mistake is to cut yourself some slack.

How to Save Money Buying a New Car and Be Happy

You can actually enjoy the car-buying process. Really. Learn how to shop for a new car and stay sane.

The One Thing That Will Help You Actually Save Money

A little positivity can go a long way — especially when it comes to reaching financial goals.

Best Money Tips: The Travel Edition

Today we found some of the best articles from around the web on travel!

Best Money Tips: How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we tell you how to get rid of those nasty bed bugs, why you should really unplug your computer at night, and how to make a c

4 Ways to Bug Your Boss for More Money – and Get It!

Before you blow off the idea that your work is worth a bump in the pay scale, check out these four clever tips for putting in a good word about your worth.

The 5 Best Paper Napkins

Cleaning messes up quickly isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these paper napkins and spills will always disappear immediately.

13 Creative Ways to Avoid Spending Money

You're trying to stick to your budget, but it's really hard to stop spending! Resist the urge to spend with these 13 tricks of the tight-fisted.