Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 4 Jobs People Quit the Most

Unless you're looking for a high-stress job that you'll probably leave within a few months, you should steer clear of these.

10 Productivity Hacks From a Work-at-Home Mom

A person who manages to work at home while caring for several children under age 5? Well, that's someone who has a few good time-saving suggestions.

10 Safe Cities to Visit in the U.S.

Looking for a safe travel destination that's not too far from home? There are several safe cities right here in the U.S. that you can visit.

To FAFSA or Not to FAFSA: A Former Student's View of Student Loans

It's getting to be that kind of year again--the time when you anticipate filling out your tax returns, sighing with relief, and then realizing that you're not finished with

3 Reasons Not to Save for Your Child's College Fund

It goes against common advice, but you might be better off not saving for your child's college education. Here's why.

11 Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Make in Your Crock Pot

This year be sure to give thanks to your Crock-Pot. It's going to make Thanksgiving and holiday dinners a breeze!

4 Purchases With Financing Options That Depreciate Fast

Before you take on new financing for that fancy new car or diamond necklace, know that they'll depreciate in a blink.

8 Negotiating Skills Everyone Should Master

Regardless of your job, negotiation is a communication skill that everyone should master. It could save you BIG.

Breaking the Bread Code: How to Get the Freshest Loaf

Discover the color code that will lead you to the freshest loaf on the store shelf every time.

5 Times You Shouldn't Rush to Pay Off Your Mortgage

Every homeowner dreams of owning their home free and clear. Before you rush to pay that mortgage down, consider what else your money might do.

A Denim Expert Reveals Why You Only Need 3 Pairs of Jeans

By following a simple routine, you can have denim jeans for every occasion and task, and you only have to buy a single pair per year.

How One Family Lives Well (And Even Owns a Home) on Just $11 an Hour

Limited income, limited life — right? Wrong. Learn how the Luh family is thriving without a huge paycheck — and you can too.

100 Small Things That Can Bring You Joy

Need a quick mood boost? No matter where you are or what's got you down, you're sure to find a pick me up in this big list of small joys.

Prioritize These 5 Bills When You're Short on Cash

Late payments happen. But for these major bills, you need to get them paid on time — or face the consequences.

10 More Scams Everyone Should Know About

Scamsters have refined classics like "Help I Need Gas" and developed new cons for the Internet age. Here are 10 to watch out for.

11 Silent Budget Killers You Don't Notice

Wondering where all your money's gone? You spent it when you weren't looking.

40 Rice Cake Topping Ideas

Rice cakes are low cost, low calorie, and largely low flavor. Dress them up with responsible-sized helpings of these delicious toppings.

50 Best Deals and Coupon Sites

Coupon users are no longer scrooges but sages, wisely spending by saving. Here are a list of 50 great deals and coupon sites dedicated to serving savvy shoppers like you.

17 Uses for Stale Bread

Using up leftover bread is not only frugal, it's delicious. Make sure you eat every last crumb of that aging loaf with these recipes.

15 Surprising Insurance Policies You Might Need

For just about any life event, there's an insurance policy to cover it. Do you need one of these plans?