Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

17 Resources to Improve Your Small Business

Improving your business is critical to staying afloat and growing. Here are some resources out there that will sharpen your skills, improve your offerings and allow you to grow you

56,000 Money Saving Ideas from Uncle Sam

Take a page from the White House and reward employees who come up with clever ways to save money.

How Customer Service Trumps Innovation

Your customers aren't interested in what's easy for you. They're interested in what's easy for them.

Tax Law Changes For 2012: What You Need To Know

Here's a look at tax law changes you can expect for 2012 and how to plan ahead to take advantage of those changes now.

5 Things to Know about Cash Balance Plans

For small businesses looking to attract and reward talented employees, Cash Benefit Plans can be an attractive addition to the familiar 401(k).

5 Ways to Automate Your Finances

Let robots manage your money for you and you'll never pay a late fee or go over budget again.

The 4 Best Alternatives to

If you want to transfer your saved data over to another Delicious-like service provider, I've listed four great services.

How to Write Off Start-Up Costs

Getting a business up and running is usually expensive. But once yours is a going concern, you can turn some of those costs into standard business deductions.

Cash Flow: What It Is and What It Isn't

When cash flow stops, the situation quickly turns critical. Unfortunately, the concept of cash flow is largely misunderstood. So, before you inadvertently bleed to death, let's

Sweetening the Deal on Small Business Saturday

On Small Business Saturday, American Express offers small businesses a chance to boost sales. Some small businesses are boosting that opportunity with promotions of their own.

7 Survival Strategies from Tomorrow's Talent Wars

Talented, productive employees are precious and rare. And they're soon to become more precious and rare. Will you be able to keep yours and find more?

How to Assemble Better 401(k) Plan Options

A good 401(k) plan can be key to employee recruiting and retention. But how to tell a good plan from a bad one?

Extreme Couponing? 5 Reasons Why I’ll Pass.

40 hours per week clipping coupons? Stockpiling products you may never use? Extreme couponing may be all the rage, but it's more like madness to me.

How Operations Can Support Ecommerce Growth

To get expert guidance on building, refining, and expanding the operational infrastructure and day-to-day processes that support ecommerce sales, I spoke with Zach Piech.

The Truth About Business Grants

If you don’t mind lots of paperwork, frequent disappointment, and many strings attached, here’s a quick guide to the slow process of finding grant money for your business.

Where to Shop Your Goods: Survey of Online Marketplaces

Where you list your products is as important as how much you price them, how you deal with customers, and other parts of your operations. Here are some online marketplaces for s

10 Fun, Practically Free Ways to Make New Friends

Whether you've just moved to a new town, are feeling shy, or just want to talk to some interesting people, try out these great ways to meet new folks.

How to Leverage an Economy of Giving and Profit

Digital distribution of gifts offers small businesses an almost free way to reach new customers. Go ahead, give it away.

Self Directed IRA + LLC = Checkbook IRA

Growing your business may be your best retirement plan, but it's also important to set aside some personal retirement savings separate from the business. Doing so correctly can

Save Money by Being Friendly

Deliberate acts of friendliness can predictably reap payback. Here are ways you can save money.

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