Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

30 Unexpected Uses for Mineral Oil

From removing beach tar to bleeding mountain bike brakes, mineral oil has lots and lots of uses. Here are 30 to try.

How Cosigning On a Student Loan Could Impact Your Finances

Before you cosign on a student loan, these are four important things to keep in mind.

18 Cool Jobs for Fashion Lovers

Put your killer fashion sense to work and get a gig in the fashion world.

The 8 Things That Are Always Cheaper at Target

Target is hitting the bullseye for ultra-low pricing on these eight products. Shop smart and save with these choices.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money on Thanksgiving?

Tell us how you save money on Thanksgiving and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

11 Essential Documents You Should Keep in Your Safe

Keep the necessary documents to establish your identity and financial history in a safe, so you can recover from identity theft, fire, or home invasion.

Make Flying Easy: The Ultimate Carry-On Packing List

Your itinerary is set and the lodging and flights booked; now the only question is what to pack. Here are some tips to help you pack light and be prepared.

Ask the Readers: How Often Do You Cook at Home?

Tell us how often you cook at home and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Is MagicJack a Scam?

MagicJack is a device that claims to offer unlimited local and long distance calling for just $20/year. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? I decided to dig around for myself.

Free Food in Your Yard: Edible Weeds!

Who says that there's no such thing as a free lunch -- you probably have one growing in your yard! Many weeds are edible, and delicious. Best of all, they're free!

101 Tax deductions for bloggers and freelancers

Anyone here like doing taxes? Didn’t think so. We all have to do them; we all have to pay money to Uncle Sam (although some get away with paying much less than others). But as

11 Things You Can't Hide When Selling Your Home

Before you sell your home, make sure you know what you have to tell the new owners.

10 Exercises to Do at Work That Don't Make You Look Silly

Realistically, most of us can't pull out crazy yoga poses, lift weights, or do jumping jacks at work. Here are 10 realistic exercises for the office.

101 Useful Things You Can Do in 15 Minutes or Less

In 15 minutes or less you can boost your career, strengthen a relationship, manage your finances, prep a meal, and lots more!

11 Freelance Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well

Freelancers don't always have to struggle to pull in a decent income. Some side gigs actually pay well.

What will you do when gas hits $4 per gallon?

The image you're looking at is a classic VW ad from 1979, a response to the gas crisis at that time. I just filled up my tank, and 16 gallons of Plus Unleaded cost me over $52

10 Scams to Avoid in 2011

Most of us work hard for our money, and last year, scammers worked hard to take it away from us. Here are last year's top scams and how to avoid them.

40 Rice Cake Topping Ideas

Rice cakes are low cost, low calorie, and largely low flavor. Dress them up with responsible-sized helpings of these delicious toppings.

10 Out-of-Fashion but Totally Frugal Old Tools

From manual lawnmowers to payphones (remember those?), get back to basics (and save!) with these frugal alternatives to modern tools.

The Simple Way to Decide How Much Rent You Can Really Afford

Before you set out to find your next great rental apartment or home, take a good look at your income. What can you afford?