Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Becoming an Automatic Millionaire: Highlights from Our Chat With David Bach

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with David Bach on becoming an automatic millionaire!

8 Expert Tips for Building Effective Email Lists

An email list can help promote your business and reach your market simply and effectively. Before you get started, here are a few things to consider.

22 Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda

Most of us know that soda isn't good for us, but that doesn't mean we stop drinking it. Here are 22 financial, health, and other reasons to kick the habit.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 5/7, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Mother's Day! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Why Playing It Safe With Your Money Is Actually Risky

When it comes to your money, fear of risk may be your biggest enemy.

5 Psychological Hacks to Boost Your Bottom Line

Use the power of positive thinking (and four more psychological powers) to push you and your employees to greater productivity.

10 Spa Treatments You Can Do at Home

You don't need to empty your wallet at the spa to enjoy facials, manicures, and more. Discover 10 luxurious treatments you can do on your own.

The 5 Best Detangling Sprays

A detangling spray leaves hair easy to brush, which means keeping it manageable and healthy is no chore. These five bests are all good choices.

How to Wisely Choose Your Next Travel Destination

Looking to book your next trip? Choose your destination wisely.

Turn Your Business Into a Money Machine

When it comes right down to it, every business is a money machine. Some are just better designed than others.

Best Money Tips: Steps to Financial Freedom

Today we found some great articles on steps to financial freedom, commonly missed tax deductions, and how to handle a financial emergency.

9 Best Free Financial Learning Tools

Whether you're baffled by bonds or confused by compounding, all the financial education you need is just a click away — and it's all free.

The 5 Best Voice Recorders

When you're in a pinch and have to record something, you need a dependable device. Use any of these voice recorders and you'll get the audio recording you need.

How To Become A Better Boss In 10 Minutes

Your employees are looking for leadership. Teach them something useful to their careers and you'll be demonstrating it.

What Easter Island Can Teach Us About Money

What do the iconic stone statues and barren landscape of Easter Island have to do with modern financial planning? As it turns out, quite a lot.

6 Financial Questions You Must Answer Before Going Freelance

Are you ready to strike out on your own? Before you drop your day job, make sure you really understand what your finances will look like.

4 False Assumptions That Could Threaten Your Retirement Years

Are you heading for a rough retirement? If you're counting on these things in your golden years, you may be in for a rude awakening.

How To Claim Your Online Identity and Keep It Relevant

Online services such as Google Places and Yelp include details about your business whether you ask them to or not. Here's how to claim those listings as your own.

6 Credit Card Services You Don’t (Usually) Need

Credit card companies often try to upsell you on additional services that are straight-up unnecessary. Discover the worst ones to watch out for.

3 Ways Your Bank Account Can Boost Your Travel Rewards

You've heard of credit cards offering airline miles, but checking and savings accounts? Yep, even those who insist on cash can earn miles.