Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Living Without A Landline

I had been thinking about shedding my landline for a while. I was attached to the convenience for a long time and, more recently, unlimited calls for one price in the United States

11 Retailers Where You Can Negotiate a Lower Price

Negotiating the best price is not only for the car dealership and the yard sale. Try haggling at these retailers big and small and pay less for lots more.

7 Affordable Destinations for Nature Lovers

You don't need to drain your budget to enjoy a beautiful vacation in the great outdoors. Get out there!

12 Lessons in Manners From Around the World

Don't tip in Tokyo and don't bring wine to a dinner party in Paris. Follow these and 10 other tips in etiquette to stay classy wherever you are.

Grocery Shopping for the Cheap and Lazy

You can be incredibly lazy and still eat well for very little (while avoiding Top Ramen). Dine at home and save a bunch on food without ever making a shopping list.

5 Romantic Wedding Locations That Won't Cost a Fortune

Choosing the right venue is is hard and often expensive. Save money by skipping the hotel and country club and get wed somewhere fun — and cheap.

Three reasons to stop freaking out about socialism

McCain-Palin are trying to paint the Obama-Biden ticket as a bunch of socialist nutjobs. But 'socialism' isn't nearly the red menace that they are making it out to be, and McCain h

Remove Car Dents Quickly and Cheaply

Dents suck. And so does the cost to repair them. Here are quick and cheap ways to remove dents.

The 5 Best Anti-Aging Creams

You can have healthy and younger looking skin just by using the right anti-aging cream. Just use one of these best five choices.

How to Enjoy Disney World on the Cheap

The Happiest Place on Earth just got a little happier. Experience the magic of Disney without making your budget the saddest.

10 Money Goals All 30-Somethings Should Have

You're not 29 anymore. Do you have your act together, financially?

10 Great Side Jobs for Introverts

If you're looking for extra money with almost zero interaction with other people, you don't have to look far — and you won't have to fake a smile, either.

11 Ways a Second Language Can Boost Your Career

Need to add a competitive edge to your resume? Learn a second language!

11 Budgeting Skills Everyone Should Master

Stop dreading the "b-word." Mastering these simple budgeting skills will put you on the path to financial wellbeing.

12 Crucial Things Homebuyers Overlook at Open Houses

Know the difference between the things that matter and those that don't, when looking at an open house.

Flashback Friday: The 119 Best Fitness Hacks for Busy People

Getting in shape shouldn't take all of your free time, especially when don't have much to spare. Here's how to get fit when you're a busy bee.

Stop Believing These 5 Myths About IRAs

Don't let these myths prevent you from getting an IRA — the most important savings account you may ever have.

5 Ways Having Good Taste Saves You Money

What's good taste got to do with a frugal lifestyle? For one thing, you won't be fooled into thinking living well costs more.

Why I (Heart) My High Deductible Health Insurance Plan

I was a born and raised HMO baby. Health insurance had always meant plopping down a $15 co-pay at each appointment and letting my insurer pay the rest. Since insurance was a bene

18 Surprising Ways Your Identity Can Be Stolen

You work so hard to protect your identity, but there are still ways thieves can get your personal data. Here's how they do it.