Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Great Vegan Grill Recipes

Vegans don't have to skip the grill to enjoy great summer food. Rather, there's plenty of grilled vegan fare that will please the meatless and meat-eating alike.

Best Money Tips: Ways You're Wasting Money

Today we found some great articles on the ways you are wasting money, how to check for financial compatibility, and ways to save money on Valentine’s Day.

11 Ways to Earn Extra Cash From Thrift Stores

A single parent tight for cash shopped thrift stores to save — until one day he figured out he could earn money thrifting, too. Learn his secrets.

Simple Ways to Save on Catering Costs

Getting great catering doesn't mean having to hire a traditional caterer. Learn some simple ways to save on prepared food.

Best Money Tips: How to Remove Any Kind of Stain

Today we found articles on how to remove any type of stain, smart money moves to make before getting your first dog, and coastal communities that are actually affordable.

Best Money Tips: Money Saving Tips For Parents

Today we found some awesome articles on money saving tips for parents, negotiating the raise you deserve, and alternative college housing options.

6 Essential Plans Every Business Needs

Proper planning can be the divider between success and failure for your business. Create these plans to ensure you succeed.

How to Save on 12 Winter Essentials

Before the snow starts to fall, save big and stock up on these winter must-haves. You can bundle up in the cash you save!

5 Ways to Turn Every Employee into a Rainmaker

For successful small businesses, sales aren't just the responsibility of the sales staff. Here's how you can get everybody involved in selling your business.

Best Money Tips: Sports on the Cheap

Today we found some great articles on ways to see the game without breaking the bank, things college students waste money on, and ways to spend less on bills.

6 Reasons Why Used Is Better

Buying used isn't just about finding antiques or quirky vintage clothes. From cost to quality, discover why buying used is often smarter than buying new.

7 Foods Scientifically Proven to Increase Your Sex Drive

Yes, food can be sexy — especially these seven treats proven to help boost your sex drive. Try some!

Don't Hire Without a Background Check

Spend a little time and money getting to know your new hires before you hire them and save lots of time and money later.

Avoiding the Poverty Tax

Simply being poor can add to a family's cost of living. But the solution isn't necessarily increasing's improving skills.

3 Alternative Sources of Funding

Small business needs money to grow, but banks are reluctant to lend. Where to turn?

Halloween Time Savers for a Stress-Free Holiday

Dressing up as witches and wizards on Halloween doesn't mean we can cast spells for more free time. Instead, try these suggestions.

4 Warranties That Aren't Worth It

Better safe than sorry, right? That may be your reasoning behind buying product warranties. But in these four instances, warranties definitely aren't worth it.

5 Lessons A Startup Can Teach Your Small Business

How do you teach an old dog a new trick? Bring home a puppy.

Early Holiday Shopping: Why I Finish by Thanksgiving

Already feeling that pre-holiday stress set in? Get a jump on holiday shopping, and reclaim some of that peace that the holidays are supposed to be about.

6 Common Small Business Money Leaks And How To Plug Them

Let a few dollars leak here and a few dollars leak there, and pretty soon it's a torrent of dollars rushing away.