Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How Taking a Sabbatical Can Help Your Business

It seems counter-intuitive for us to take (what some may see as) excessive time off from our businesses in order to prosper and grow. But it works.

Crowding Out Bad Debt

Short of "payment in advance" terms, the only way to protect yourself from slow paying leeches and outright deadbeats is to have a good credit management process in place.

Best Money Tips: Inexpensive Family Outings

Today we found some great articles on inexpensive family outings, how to negotiate fees and save on expenses, and Netflix alternatives.

Improving Sales Forecast Accuracy with a PERTy Formula

Borrow an estimating tool from the US Navy to help bring your sales forecasts in line with your sales reality.

Why Offline Marketing Still Matters

Internet and social media marketing have been a boon for small business. But that doesn't mean old fashioned people to people marketing can become an after thought.

The Art of the Reminder

Don't just remind vendors, clients, and employees of their obligations. Remind them why they agreed to those obligations in the first place.

Use Value-Added Sales to Boost Your Profit Margin

Your margins are under attack. Defend them!

7 Effective Tools for Managing a Virtual Team

Managing a virtual team can get complicated, fast. Here's how to keep it simple.

5 Small Businesses That Made It Big With The Help Of Reality Shows

Appearing on reality television might be one of the biggest breaks you can get for your small business. Here's what to know, and how to make it happen.

Last-Minute Giving

Here’s a gift idea that will help put you in the holiday spirit. It will not help you mark “done” on your gift list but may save a life. If you’re feeling well today, have mailed a

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 10/17, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving on Halloween! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

15 Low Cost Ways to Beat Stress

Emotional spending and expensive junk food binges -- budget busters -- are often triggered by stress. Here are 15 ideas for diminishing stress without spending a lot of money.

Best Money Tips: Money Skills Everyone Should Have

Today we found articles on over a hundred money skills everyone should have, what to look for in high quality products, and money-saving apps.

Cash-Strapped Businesses Turn to Purchase-Order Financing

Many business owners are turning to alternative lenders who offer to finance their purchase order.

Dealing With Problem Employees: The Basics of Progressive Discipline

You never want to fire anyone. As a business owner you want to lead, develop, and empower people.

Decoding The New Tax Rules For Merchants

Prelude to a national sales tax? Maybe not, but new IRS rules mean credit card companies and online payment processors now must report the transactions they manage.

New Year’s Small Business Booster Plan

Don't let those end of year promotional calendars go to waste -- use them to sketch out key sales, marketing and operational initiatives throughout the coming year.

Using a Card, Not a Vendor Credit Line, for Business Purchases

Getting credit terms (aka trade terms) with vendors is usually a savvy move but, depending on the circumstances, paying with credit or charge cards can be just as smart. Securin

Self Directed IRA + LLC = Checkbook IRA

Growing your business may be your best retirement plan, but it's also important to set aside some personal retirement savings separate from the business. Doing so correctly can

The Shoestring MBA

A number of free, online resources are available to help you close gaps in your knowledge, invigorate your thinking and otherwise help you keep pace with key business trends.