Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Save Money by Being Friendly

Deliberate acts of friendliness can predictably reap payback. Here are ways you can save money.

The 35 Best Ways to Spend Your Free Time (Frugally)

One way to spend less is to take up a fun hobby. Try one of these great ones, and you may even improve yourself and your bank account along the way too.

A Denim Expert Reveals Why You Only Need 3 Pairs of Jeans

By following a simple routine, you can have denim jeans for every occasion and task, and you only have to buy a single pair per year.

30 Unexpected Uses for Mineral Oil

From removing beach tar to bleeding mountain bike brakes, mineral oil has lots and lots of uses. Here are 30 to try.

5 Ways Self Storage Units Are More Sad Museums Than Savvy Solutions

This week I did an intervention on Sarah, one of my dearest friends. Sarah has a substance abuse problem -- but not with drugs. Sarah has a problem with self storage.

I Finally Canceled Comcast Cable…Before It Hurt More Than My Wallet

Treat me poorly once, Comcast, shame on you. Provide startlingly awful customer service again, and you lose my business entirely.

Fixing Mistakes: 7 Steps for Any Situation

Mistakes aren't fun, but the sooner and more thoroughly you deal with them, the better. Here are the essential steps to take.

101 Tax deductions for bloggers and freelancers

Anyone here like doing taxes? Didn’t think so. We all have to do them; we all have to pay money to Uncle Sam (although some get away with paying much less than others). But as

11 Things You Can't Hide When Selling Your Home

Before you sell your home, make sure you know what you have to tell the new owners.

Where to Find Missing Socks

If you have a drawer full of socks missing their mates, don't despair. Here's where to find them.

Housing Values in Relationship to Proximity to Certain Stores

When you're house hunting you already look for good schools and low crime. Maybe you should add a Starbucks and Trader Joe's to your list, too.

The vicious Home Rental Scam – don’t get conned.

It seems like new variations of the Nigerian 419 scam pop up every week. The one that caught my attention recently involved renting a home, and it’s a nasty trick that could take a

Investing in Web Security

What would happen if you lost the data on your business's computer system or if it was hacked? Small businesses need to recognize the cost of not properly addressing web securit

12 Things You Should Do in the First Six Months of a New Job

Got a new job? Great! Here's your game plan for the next six months.

7 Amazon Prime Perks You've Forgotten to Use

Amazon Prime isn't just free two-day shipping. Are you taking advantage of the unlimited photo storage, free video streaming, grocery delivery, and more?

Retire for Half the Cost in These 5 Countries

Help your retirement funds go twice as far by retiring in one of these beautiful locales abroad. They're almost too cheap to be true!

11 Ways to Eat Oats When You Hate Oatmeal

Oats are jam-packed with nutritious goodies, but what to do if you hate oatmeal? Here are 11 (other) ways to enjoy this amazing grain.

12 Ways to Save and Make Money While Traveling

Did you know there are ways to save AND make money while traveling? Give these a try next time you hit the road.

6 Ways My Family Scores Free Travel With Credit Cards

Want to travel the world for free? Take advantage of my insider tips that took me years to learn!

Free Food in Your Yard: Edible Weeds!

Who says that there's no such thing as a free lunch -- you probably have one growing in your yard! Many weeds are edible, and delicious. Best of all, they're free!