Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Smart Things to Do With Your Extra Student Loan Money

Before you spend that extra student loan money on new clothes or dinner out, consider these smart money moves first.

Dishwasher Smells Bad? Here's How to Fix It

Yikes! Dishwasher smelling a little foul these days? It's a simple fix —anyone can do it!

DIY - Silk Flower Brooch

In true Wise Bread fashion, learn how to make flower brooches yourself and save big.

8 Debt Reduction Mistakes Even Smart People Make

Even the smartest people make mistakes while trying to reduce debt. Don’t be one of them.

What You Need to Know About Writing a Will

Up to 40% of Americans age 45 and older don't have a will. It's high-time you got out of that statistic.

7 Apps That Monitor Your Credit for You

There's an app for everything these days — even credit monitoring. Now there's really no excuse!

12 Surprising Ways to Get More College Financial Aid

College tuition can send you right into a nightmare of debt. But there are ways you can make it more affordable.

How to Start Saving for Retirement at 40+

It's never too late to start saving. If you skirted retirement savings in your younger years, you can still catch up — here's how.

Best Money Tips: How to Clean Your Car Like a Pro

Today we found some great articles on the best professional car cleaning tips, ways global warming may affect your finances, and small kitchen appliances you don’t really need.

Feeling Stuck? 100 Ways to Change Your Life

In 20 minutes, you too can change your life in 100 different ways. Check it out!

5 Easy Ways to Add $50 to Your Pocket

Hey, we'd all like some extra cash. Try these five simple tricks, each of which can make your wallet $50 fatter.

5-Minute Finance: Create Financial Goals

Deciding on a goal is a critical first step in every endeavor. Here's how to set financial goals that will lead to a brighter future.

How to Decide If Pet Insurance Is Worth the Cost

Pet insurance can cost a pretty penny, but it can also save you an arm and a leg.

Do You Need Credit Monitoring to Protect Your Credit?

With data breaches everywhere you turn, credit monitoring seems like a smart thing to get. But do you really need it?

20 New Things You Can Make With Old Denim Jeans

Don't toss that old denim! The durable and easy to work fabric is well-suited for a number of post-wardrobe uses.

Why the Dow Will Hit a Million, Eventually

Warren Buffett says that 100 years from now, the DJIA will be "over 1 million." Is he out of his mind?

How Pre-Commitment Mechanisms Can Help You Resist Impulse Buys

You might think impulse buys are impossible to resist, but if you train your brain with pre-commitment mechanisms, you can fight those urges and save money in the process.

Three Unique Subscription Services that Might Save You Money

Most of us have used a subscription service in our lifetime. Cable TV, magazines, and movies are usually purchased in monthly installments. I recently took a look at three subscr

12 Reasons You Can't Focus — And How to Fix It Now

A wandering mind is no friend to productivity. If you can't focus, it might be due to these 12 unhealthy habits.

5 Things Never to Bring Up in a Job Interview

Ready to ace that job interview? Of course you are, but just be sure you don't bring up one of these no-no topics.