Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

15 Ways to Make Brown Bagging It Better Than Buying Lunch

You know bringing your own lunch can save you tons — but bleh. Make your midday meal a real reward and you'll win twice.

Three Unique Subscription Services that Might Save You Money

Most of us have used a subscription service in our lifetime. Cable TV, magazines, and movies are usually purchased in monthly installments. I recently took a look at three subscr

The Many Reasons to Make Do with Less

Why would someone choose to have less than they could? Lots of reasons. There are as many ways to live large as there are people who refuse to think small. Over the time I've be

12 Smart Ways to Organize Old Photos

If you have old photo albums collecting dust in the closet, take them out, dust them off, and put them to good use!

6 Ways to Avoid Sneaky Online Price Changes

Don't let "dynamic pricing" steal your deal. Keep an eye out for sneaky ways online retailers (legally!) overcharge their customers.

9 Ways Gamers Can Make Extra Cash

Wouldn't it be nice to cash in on those hours spent behind a game controller? Good news — you can!

11 Ways Anyone Can Make Money Online

You may not make it like Mark Zuckerberg does, but the internet is filled with opportunities to earn side money -- or even a lot more.

Spring Cleaning Your Finances: Highlights From Our Chat With Leslie Tayne

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Leslie Tayne on spring cleaning your finances!

7 Cheaper Versions of Your Favorite Products

Stop paying premium for name brands! Save big on these seven products by ignoring a fancy label.

6 Affordable Ways to Deter Burglars

Make thieves think twice before stepping foot on your property, with a little help from these super cheap security tricks.

Too many online accounts? You need an aggregator.

From Twitter to Digg, emails to IM and let's not forget all those social networking sites, its easy to get bogged down just by logging on. Fortunately, you can keep your online

100 Small Things That Can Bring You Joy

Need a quick mood boost? No matter where you are or what's got you down, you're sure to find a pick me up in this big list of small joys.

25 Tasty Ways to Use Chicken Stock

From soups to sauces, using frugal chicken stock is a great way to pump up the flavor in a variety of dishes. Check out these delicious and surprising recipes.

8 Professional Ways to Make Friends at Work

We spend most of our lives at work, so many of our adult friendships are made at the office. But as adults, it can be tough to know how to take that first step.

Best Money Tips: Happy People Do This Every Day

Today we found some great articles on the one thing happy people do every day, celebrity money mistakes you can learn from, and hidden college costs to watch out for.

Know Your Markets and Earn Some Cash: Ebay vs. Amazon

Most online shoppers I know are very familiar with Ebay and Amazon. The problem is that the hardcore Ebayers are not very familiar with the Amazon Marketplace. [more]

Make Your Own Moon Sand, Dirt Cheap

While moon sand is certainly not a bank-breaker, it is costly for what is basically wet sand. So, I did a little digging and discovered a way to make your very own moon sand.

5 Things Debt Collectors Don't Want You to Know

Debt collectors sometimes have a few sneaky tricks up their sleeve. Beat them to the punch by knowing your rights.

Frayed Relationships, Damaged Credit, and Costly Additions — What a Multi-Generational Home Might Cost You

Multiple generations living under one roof is becoming more common. Keep the family peace by planning for some of the potential pitfalls.

Bulk Buying Basics: What to Buy, How to Store, and Money Saving Tips

If you have the storage space, buying in bulk can save you money and time. Here's what you need to know before you get started.