Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

25 Major Retailers That Give Employees Time Off for Thanksgiving

For some stores, Black Friday starts on Thanksgiving. These major retailers are fighting back — and keeping employees home for the holiday.

Frequent Flyer Junkie? Manage your Miles Here

It's a daunting world of rewards programs out there. From frequent flyer miles with every major airline, to hotel reward programs, to individual store loyalty plans, not

Save 50% On Your Passport Application?

By 2009, passports will be mandatory for all US citizens traveling abroad. If you were planning a trip to Canada, Mexico, or the Caribbean, this could mean a rather substantial add

Your Saving Habits Make You a Revolutionary

Feeling like saving money puts you at odds with most of society? These statistics suggest you may be correct — and better off.

Safeway Savings Rally - How I got 9 bags of groceries for $13

Right now Safeway is having an event called Savings Rally which lasts until February 26th. The deal is that you get a dollar off coupon for buying a number of items off a list of

Best Money Tips: Have a Clean Place Without Cleaning

Today we found some great articles on having a clean place wtihout cleaning, giving memorable gifts without going into debt, and spending your tax refund wisely.

Staying Fit and Beautiful in Mind, Body, and Wallet

Your fitness regimen can leave you looking less than your best. Feel beautiful inside and out with these frugal tips.

Best Money Tips: IRS Audit Red Flags

Today we found some fantastic articles on IRS audit red flags, ways to spring-clean your finances, and hidden costs of DIY moving.

The State of American Money, April 1, 2013

On the first day of April, 2013, we have some VERY IMPORTANT FINANCIAL INFORMATION to share.

6 Money Questions You Never Have to Answer

When Nosy Parkers start prying into personal money matters, here's how to shut 'em down.

Ask The Readers: Do You Comparison Shop?

Tell us if you comparison shop and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: What Do You Love Most About Your Job?

Tell us what you like most about your job and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Strategies for Controlling Toy Clutter

Keep your home clean AND your kid happy with these tricks for corralling your child's clutter.

Ask the Readers: Do You See Movies in the Theater?

Tell us if you see movies in the theater and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Free Prostate Cancer prevention readily available

98% of men say they do it; the other 2% are lying. But far from it being something to be embarrassed about, researchers have strong indications that this very common activity could

Best Money Tips: Save Money Spring Cleaning

Today we found some awesome articles on saving money spring cleaning, making your wedding venue more affordable, and tax mistakes to avoid.

Looking for Answers in Life? Here's your Key...

So many of us are feeling stuck in our lives, searching for something we seem to flirt with and skirt arou

Best Money Tips: Ways to Spend More Now to Save More Later

Today we found articles on ways to spend now to save more later, effective ways to use your fitness data, and fun activities for energetic families.

New Ideas for Old Neckties

Recently, at an open mic night event my husband and I attended with friends, I noticed an interesting use of a recycled necktie. Seeing this reminded me of a skirt I saw years ago

Best Money Tips: Free Resume Tools

Today we found some awesome articles on free resume tools, keeping summer exciting for the kids, and signs that now isn't the time to retire.