Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Money-Saving Habits You Should Never Apologize For

This is your life to live, and you should never feel bad about making decisions that save you money.

The Absolute Worst Ways to Ask for a Raise

You deserve a raise. You know you do! But ask the wrong way, and you won't get a dime.

Great Ways to Get Calcium

Everyone knows that milk is an excellent source of calcium, but not everyone drinks it. Here are other great ways to get calcium without the milk mustache.

How to Clean Your House in One Day

Yes, you CAN deep-clean your house quickly. Gather the troops, pump up the jams, and get down to business with these do-it-in-a-day tips.

Banish Plastic Wrap Forever and 9 Other Creative Uses for Beeswax

Mind your own beeswax — literally! These unique all-natural uses for beeswax will really get you buzzing.

Best Money Tips: Common Mistakes in Your Family Budget

Today we found some great articles on common mistakes in a family budget, creative ways to use tape, and why you may be spending more money in fall than summer.

The Student Who Created a PR Nightmare Via Wikipedia

Virgil Griffith created a program called Wikipedia Scanner that lets you know who has been editing articles on Wikipedia and what they've been removing.

Best Money Tips: The Right Way to Multitask

Today we found some great articles on the right way to multitask, products you should definitely buy online, and the things extremely likeable people do.

Best Money Tips: Time-Saving Secrets of Laid-Back Cooks

Today we found time-saving secrets of laid-back cooks, over 25 ways to decorate pumpkins without carving, and the most affordable Caribbean vacation destinations.

Best Money Tips: How to Have an Eco-Friendly Holiday

Today we found ways to have an eco-friendly holiday, the best holiday goods to buy at dollar stores, and rules that every smart shopper lives by.

10 Ways Working From Home Can Save (And Cost) You Big

Working from home will often help you save money, but not always.

Science Shows That Saying Thanks Can Improve Your Health and Happiness

You really do have a lot to be thankful for. Discover why making a regular habit of expressing gratitude for those things is good for mind, body, and soul.

The end of a recession versus recovery

There's an organization that picks the "official" dates for the beginning and ending of recessions. It considers the recession as running from the top of the peak to the bottom of

An ING Direct Online Retail Store? It's not a joke.

It was my birthday last week. I received an email from ING Direct and assumed it would just be birthday wishes. But, I opened the email and to my astonishment guess what it contain

10 Easy Luxury Hair Treatments From Your Kitchen

Many of the ingredients in pricey hair care products are derived from plants — plenty of which you probably already have in your fridge or pantry.

5 Ways to Give Cash as a Gift

If you want to give the gift of cash and make the recipient feel like a million bucks, check out these creative ways to wrap moolah.

How Water Can Save You $977 a Year

According to recent data, American eat out roughly 3 times every week. And water could play a big part in making the whole thing less expensive, and healthier.

4 Ways to Find a Reputable Mechanic

Taking a car in for repairs can be needlessly expensive for consumers without a trusted mechanic. Here are four ways to make sure you find someone reliable.

Buying Virtual Cats Might Be the Future of Investing

What happens when you combine cute kitties with an addictive game? The hottest new investment trend.

How to Earn Extra Income as a Courthouse Researcher

If you've got some spare time and some sleuth-a-bility, court researcher may be the side job for you. Find out what it takes and judge for yourself.