Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Tactics of the rich

There are things the rich do that working class and middle class folks don't. Some of them--living off the return on capital rather than wages or salary--are only available to the

6 "Good" Eating Habits That Are Keeping Us Fat

Having a hard time dropping those last five? It may be due to a "truth" you learned long ago and haven't given a second thought...until now.

8 Clever Ways People Are Making Money From Pokémon GO

Savvy Pokémon GO players are cashing in on the craze. Here's how they're catching 'em all while catching a few bucks, too.

13 Crucial Social Security Terms Everyone Needs to Know

Most Americans depend on Social Security in retirement. That's why it's critical to know these 13 Social Security terms.

5 Stocks Your Kids Would Love to Own

From Snapchat to Disney, these five stocks will get any tween excited to invest.

You Need an Inventory of Your Stuff (and It's Easier Than You Think)

A home inventory can help you recover from a disaster — or it can be the first step toward decluttering. Make yours before it's too late.

11 Crazy-Good Crock-Pot Pasta Recipes

Take set-it-and-forget-it to the next level of comfort food with delicious "Crock-Pasta." So good. So easy!

Now is The Time to Buy: Skis, Winter Coats, Candy

Save big on the winter necessities by knowing the best times to hit the store.

4 Reasons Why You're Too Old — Or Too Young — For a Mortgage Loan

Lenders can't use your age as a factor when deciding to give you a loan, but that doesn't mean age doesn't matter. Here's why.

Best Money Tips: Common Mistakes in Your Family Budget

Today we found some great articles on common mistakes in a family budget, creative ways to use tape, and why you may be spending more money in fall than summer.

Homemade Deodorant: Is It Worth It?

Sure, ready-made deodorant is easy to purchase and use. But there are some great reasons to make your own (inexpensive!) deodorant.

Best Money Tips: How to Have an Eco-Friendly Holiday

Today we found ways to have an eco-friendly holiday, the best holiday goods to buy at dollar stores, and rules that every smart shopper lives by.

I turn down free money

There's a certain class of ways to get free money or free stuff simply by paying attention, keeping track, and being careful. I don't do these things. It's not because they don't

What's Your Financial Philosophy? What It Means To Live Below Your Means

I hope you'll permit me to speculate a little on what it means to live below our means. When you think about it, there are various ways to address our financial goals, which I'll c

The Personal Finance Letter I'd Write to My Younger Self

If you could write a letter of personal finance advice to your younger, less money-smart self, what would you say?

How to Minimize Cell Phone Charges When You Travel Abroad

International roaming charges on cellular phones are super expensive. Beat those high prices with some clever workarounds.

How to Handle a Sudden Loss of Income

Don't let a sudden loss of income cause financial paralysis. Take these smart steps to handle the situation and minimize the damage.

15 Tips for Hosting Holiday Houseguests

Keep houseguests happy and stay stress-free during the holidays by following these fun, frugal, and festive hosting suggestions.

7 Frugal Myths Debunked

What are the myths about frugality and what does it really mean to be a frugal guru? Debunk the most common myths about frugal living.

Over 7 million money-making ideas - Google Patents

Ever dreamed of patenting a great idea that could make you a fortune? The Pet Rock maybe? Or the Jump To Conclusions mat? Well, you'll find even more crazy ideas using Google Patent Search , or even better, submit one of your own. [more]