Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Top 6 Reasons Why Using Cash-Only Rocks

While I am a cash-only person by circumstance (paid off the credit cards and never reopened accounts), I am so grateful that I live in a cash world.

11 Freelance Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well

Freelancers don't always have to struggle to pull in a decent income. Some side gigs actually pay well.

20 Delicious Recipes for Canned Clams

Canned clams may not top everybody's list of favorite seafood staples, and that's a shame, because the affordable bivalve is delicious in dips, soups, pastas and more.

5 Ways to Stay Productive While Working From Home

It’s sooo tempting to succumb to distractions working from home — but don’t! Try these tricks for staying focused and on task.

35 Slow Cooker Recipes for Busy (or Lazy) Vegetarians

What could be easier than making vegetable stew? Making vegetable stew in a crock pot. Read on for that and 34 more delicious vegetarian recipes.

How to Make $400+ a Week as a Pet Sitter

Need extra cash? Love animals? Get started as a pet sitter and you'll have Fido fetching you funds in no time.

Ask the Readers: Do You Do Black Friday?

I want to hear your thoughts on the all things Black Friday -- if you have any. Share them here in our comment thread or on Twitter, and you'll be entered to win one of two $10 A

10 Killer Ways to Feel Like a Million Bucks (Even If Your Bank Account Says Otherwise)

There are plenty of studies tying health to wealth (and vice versa), on a national and a personal level. Rest assured, though, this isn't The Secret. Instead, here are some tried a

How to Decide If Pet Insurance Is Worth the Cost

Pet insurance can cost a pretty penny, but it can also save you an arm and a leg.

5 Ways Life Is Amazing With an 800 Credit Score

A credit score in the 700s is pretty good and the rewards are nice. But for those few who crack 800? The financial world is their oyster.

The 5 Best Products for Dry Skin

If you're looking for a new product to hydrate your skin, look no further than these five!

6 Cheap Ways to Get Rid of Household Pests

Ewww, bugs! Send your unwelcome household guests packing with some simple, cheap, and eco-friendly pest solutions.

McCain or Obama? Who’ll be better for your wallet?

I want to keep this factual. This is not an article on who should be the next President, or as these campaigns usually go, who shouldn’t be President. This is a simple presentation

Explaining Away the Green M&M

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the company behind M&M’s has decided to let the urban legend run wild. No longer will the impotent and un

10 Ways to Repair a Burned Bridge

We've all ended a work or personal relationship badly. Mend a broken connection and you'll regain a valued friend or a colleague -- forever this time.

64 Funny, Inspiring and Stupid Money Quotes From Famous People

We've collected quotes from presidents, movie stars, philosophers, athletes, and even Paris Hilton on everybody's favorite topic: Money.

25 Quick, Cheap Lunch Ideas

You lunch doesn’t have to be a budget-buster or bland. These 25 fast and inexpensive lunch ideas will keep your midday meals interesting and easy.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money on Thanksgiving?

Tell us how you save money on Thanksgiving and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 8 Things That Are Always Cheaper at Target

Target is hitting the bullseye for ultra-low pricing on these eight products. Shop smart and save with these choices.

5 Ways to Say "No" to Friends and Family

It's not always easy to say no to the people you love. Reclaim your time while keeping your relationships with these five ways to say "nay."